@incollection{, A9E8D46222BCC602DA5A6FE708766EC3 , author={{FranciscaHernández} and {Universidad Complutense De Madrid}}, journal={{Global Journal of Human Social Sciences}}, journal={{GJHSS}}2249-460X0975-587X10.34257/GJHSS, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Global Journals Organisation}21122134 } @incollection{b0, , title={{Introducción a la nueva museología}} , author={{ AlonsoFernández } and { Luis }} , journal={{Alianza Editorial}} , year={1999} } @book{b1, , title={{}} , author={{ Mikel;Asensio } and { Castro } and { ;Yone } and { CristinaVillar }} } @incollection{b2, , title={{Evaluación frontal de los públicos para el desarrollo de contenidos de realidad aumentada dentro del proyecto europeo de ARtSENSE}} , author={{ Ana;Cabrera } and { ElenaPol }} , booktitle={{Empoderar al Visitante: Proceso}} Progreso, Protesta. Tunis , year={2012} } @incollection{b3, , title={{}} , journal={{November . ICOFOM Study Series}} 41 , year={2012} } @book{b4, , author={{ Ayuntamiento De Barcelona }} , title={{Llibre Blanc dels Museus, Delegació de Cultura de la Generalitat}} Barcelona , year={1979} } @book{b5, , title={{Un exemple concret: els Museus de Penedes. Delegació de Cultura de la Generalitat}} , author={{ Ayuntamiento De Barcelona }} , year={1981} , address={Barcelona} , note={Els Museus de Catalunya. Aproximació a la seva problemática} } @book{b6, , title={{Els Museus de Catalunya. Criteris per a l´organizatciò del patrimonio museistic del país}} , author={{ Ayuntamiento De Barcelona }} , year={1984} , address={Barcelona} Delegació de Cultura de la Generalitat } @incollection{b7, , title={{Cultural Assets and the New Professional: The Experience of the Escola Europea in Barcelona}} , author={{ XavierBallbé }} , booktitle={{Symposium Museums, Space and Power. Athens-Thessaloniki, ICOFOM Study Series}} , year={1993} 22 } @book{b8, , title={{La renovación museológica en España durante los años setenta, Museo}} , author={{ Bellido } and { AntonioBlanco }} , year={2005} 10 } @incollection{b9, , title={{Didáctica del Patrimonio: Epistemología, Metodología y Estudio de Casos}} , author={{ RoserCalaf }} , journal={{Ediciones Trea}} , year={2009} } @incollection{b10, , title={{Methodologie Museologique et Formatión Professionele. Methodologie of Museologie and Professional Training}} , author={{ RosarioCarrillo }} , journal={{ICOFOM Study Series}} 3 , year={1983. 1983} } @incollection{b11, , title={{Museology and its use or misuse in the world}} , author={{ Carrillo De San } and { RosarioSegundo }} , booktitle={{Symposium Museology and Developing Countries -Help or Manipulation? Hyderabad-Varanasi-New Delhi. ICOFOM Study Series}} , year={1988} 14 } @incollection{b12, , title={{Filosofía e Identidad en América Latina y el Caribe}} , author={{ CartaDe Coro } and { Museología }} , journal={{VIII Encuentro Regional. ICOFOM LAM}} , year={1999} } @book{b13, , title={{El museo virtual}} , author={{ BernardDeloche }} , year={2001} , address={Trea, Gijón} } @book{b14, , author={{ JanDolák } and { JanaVav?íková } and { ZZMuzeolog } and { Stránský }} , title={{?ivot a dílo. Masarykova univerzita}} Brno , year={2006} } @book{b15, , author={{ OlaiaFontal } and { La Educación } and { Patrimonial }} , title={{Teoría y Práctica en el Aula, el Museo e Internet. Ediciones Trea}} Gijón , year={2003} } @book{b16, , author={{ OlaiaFontal Merillas } and { SofíaCepeda } and { Educación Y Patrimonio En España }} , title={{La Educación Patrimonial orientada a la Inclusión Social. New Trends in Museology. ICOFOM Study Series}} , year={2015} 43 } @incollection{b17, , title={{Current acquisition policy and its appropriateness for tomorrow needs. Symposium Collecting Today for Tomorrow}} , author={{ DolorsForrellad I Domènech }} , journal={{Leiden ICOFOM Study Series}} 6 , year={1984} } @incollection{b18, , title={{Commentaires: les auteurs à propos des auteurs}} , author={{ DolorsForrellad I Domènech }} , journal={{Symposium Collecting Today for Tomorrow. Leiden ICOFOM Study Series}} 7 , year={1984} } @incollection{b19, , title={{The implications for the work of museums. Symposium Originals and Substitutes in Museums}} , author={{ DolorsForrellad I Domènech }} , journal={{Zagreb. ICOFOM Study Series}} 8 , year={1985} } @incollection{b20, , title={{Basic papers. Society-museology-museums: Development trends Symposium, Museology and Museums Helsinki-Espoo}} , author={{ DolorsForrellad I Domènech }} , journal={{ICOFOM Study Series}} 12 , year={1987} } @incollection{b21, , title={{Un proyecto de arte contemporáneo con personas mayores}} , author={{ GarcíaCeballos } and { Silvia }} , journal={{New Trends in Museology. ICOFOM Study Series}} 43 , year={2015} } @book{b22, , title={{HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Francisca. El patrimonio cultural: la memoria recuperada}} , author={{ JavierDosGómez Martínez } and { Museologías }} , year={2006. 2002} 22 , address={Trea, Gijón; Trea, Gijón} , note={Las Tradiciones Anglosajona y Mediterránea: diferencias y contactos} } @book{b23, , title={{Planteamientos teóricos de la museología}} , author={{ HernándezHernández } and { Francisca }} , year={2006} , address={Trea, Gijón} } @incollection{b24, , title={{The museological discourse and critical interpretation of History. Museology -A field of Knowlwdge}} , author={{ FranciscaHernández Hernández }} , journal={{Museology and History. ICOFOM Study Series}} 35 , year={2006} } @incollection{b25, , title={{Documentary Sources of Museology: Reflections and Perspectives. Museology exploring the concept of MLA (Museums-Libraries-Archives)}} , author={{ HernándezHernández } and { Francisca }} , journal={{ICOFOM Study Series}} 44 , year={2016} } @incollection{b26, , title={{}} , author={{ FranciscaYHernández } and { JesúsLorente } and { Pedro }} , journal={{Zbyn?k Zbyslav Stránský and Spanish Museology. Museologica Brunensia}} 02 , year={2016} } @book{b27, , title={{Museología crítica y Arte contemporáneo}} , author={{ Jesús-PedroLorente }} , year={2003} , publisher={Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza} , address={Zaragoza} } @incollection{b28, , title={{Los estudios de Museología en las universidades españolas}} , author={{ PedroLorente } and { Jesús }} , journal={{Revista de Museología}} 47 , year={2010} } @book{b29, , title={{Manual de historia de la Museología}} , author={{ JesúsLorente } and { Pedro }} , year={2012} , address={Gijón, Trea} } @book{b30, , title={{De la nouvelle muséologie à la muséologie critique: une revendication des discours interrogatifs, pluriels et subjectifs. Nouvelles tendances de la muséologie (F. Mairesse}} , author={{ PedroLorente } and { Jesús }} , year={2016} , publisher={La documentation Française} , address={Paris} } @book{b31, , title={{Historia de la documentación museológica: La gestión de la memoria artística}} , author={{ MarínTorres } and { MaríaTeresa }} , year={2002} , address={Trea, Gijón} } @incollection{b32, , title={{From pluridisciplinarity to interdisciplinarity: the experience of the local museums in Catalonia. Interdisciplinarity in museology}} , author={{ DomènecMiquel I Serra } and { EulaliaMorral I Romeu }} , journal={{MuWoP)}} 2 , year={1981} , publisher={Museological Working Papers} } @book{b33, , title={{}} , author={{ Miquel I Serra } and { ;Domènec } and { AndreaGarcía }} } @incollection{b34, , title={{Objects de musée: Criteres de Selection. Quelques reflexions. Symposium Collecting Today for Tomorrow}} , author={{ EulaliaMorral I Romeu }} , journal={{Leiden. ICOFOM Study Series}} 7 , year={1984} } @incollection{b35, , title={{Typology of substitutes}} , author={{ DMiquel I Serra } and { EulaliaMorral I Romeu }} , journal={{Symposium Originals and Museums. Zagreb, ICOFOM Study Series}} 3 , year={1985} } @book{b36, , author={{ Miquel I Serra } and { ;Domènec } and { EulaliaMorral I Romeu }} , title={{Contributions to the colloquium on Identity. Symposium Museology and Identity. Buenos Aires. ICOFOM Study Series}} , year={1986} 10 } @book{b37, , author={{ Miquel I Serra } and { ;Domènec } and { EulaliaMorral I Romeu }} , title={{ISS nº 10. Symposium Museology and Identity. Comments and Views. Buenos Aires. ICOFOM Study Series}} , year={1986} 11 } @book{b38, , author={{ Miquel I Serra } and { ;Domènec } and { EulaliaMorral I Romeu }} , title={{Contributions to the symposium}} } @book{b39, , title={{}} , author={{ SymposiumMuseology } and { Museums } and { Helsinki-Espoo }} , year={1987} 12 , note={ICOFOM Study Series} } @book{b40, , author={{ Miquel I Serra } and { ;Domènec } and { EulaliaMorral I Romeu }} , title={{ISS 12. Symposium Museology and Museums. Helsinki-Espoo. ICOFOM Study Series}} , year={1987} 13 } @incollection{b41, , title={{Contributions to the symposium}} , author={{ DomènecMiquel I Serra }} , booktitle={{La Museologie et les Institutions Museales comme Agents Actifs de Changement. Symposium Forecasting -A Museological Tool? Museology and Futurology. Den Haag}} , year={1989} 16 } @incollection{b42, , title={{The museum and development -inside and outside. Trends observed and forecasted}} , author={{ EulaliaMorral I Romeu }} , journal={{Symposium Museology and Museums. Helsinki-Espoo. ICOFOM Study Series}} 13 , year={1987} } @incollection{b43, , author={{ EulaliaMorral I Romeu } and { Muséologie }} , booktitle={{futur. Quelques réflexions héterodoxes. Symposium Forecasting -A Museological Tool? Museology and Futurology. Den Haag}} , year={1989} 16 } @book{b44, , title={{L'actualité de la muséologie en Espagne et la definition du musée. Définir le musées du XXIe siècle. Matériaux pour une discussion (F. Mairesse, direct}} , author={{ Navajas Corral } and { Ã?"scar }} , year={2017} , publisher={ICOFOM} , address={Paris} } @incollection{b45, , title={{El concepto de Interpatrimonios. Intercambio cultural como resumen de la inclusión social en el patrimonio para el colectivo sordo. La configuración de espacios comunes entre culturas en los espacios museísticos}} , author={{ PérezLópez } and { Sara }} , journal={{New Trends in Museology. ICOFOM Study Series}} 43 , year={2015} } @book{b46, , title={{Análisis de una Tipología Museística Singular}} , author={{ PérezMateo } and { Soledad }} , year={2016} Tesis. Departamento de Historia del Arte. Universidad de Murcia , note={Las Casas Museo en España} } @book{b47, , author={{ ConchaRodá }} , title={{Stratégie digitale au musée: besoins, tendances, défis. New Trends in Museology. ICOFOM Study Series}} , year={2015} 43 } @incollection{b48, , title={{Des Etudes de Publics pour Quoi Faire? L'utilisation des Outils de Connaissance des Publics dans la Gestion des Musées et Centres d'art Contemporain en Espagne et en France}} , author={{ GloriaRomanello }} , journal={{New Trends in Museology. ICOFOM Study Series}} 43 , year={2015} } @incollection{b49, , title={{#Iwontgetscrewedover Cultural heritage: Time for street-art agents}} , author={{ GloriaRomanello } and { Iononmilasciofregare }} , booktitle={{The Predatory Museum. ICOFOM Study Series}} 45 , year={2017} } @book{b50, , title={{Cursos Internacionales de Verano de Museología (ISSOM) en su Octava sección: Museología Especializada, que se celebrarán del 9 al 23 de septiembre de}} , author={{ S/A }} , year={1994. 1994} 20 en la Universidad de Masaryk, Zerotinovo, Brno. Boletín Informativo de la Revista de Patrimonio Histórico del Instituto Andaluz } @incollection{b51, , title={{Proyecto de cátedra UNESCO: Sociedades en transición. Museología y Patrimonio Intangible en América Laina y Caribe}} , author={{ VinosSofka }} , booktitle={{ICOFOM LAM 2001. X Encuentro Regional del ICOFOM LAM}} Montevideo/Uruguay , year={2002} } @incollection{b52, , title={{A Contribution to a Possible Definition of Museology}} , author={{ TomislavS?ola }} , booktitle={{System of Museology and Interdisciplinarity. ICOM-ICOFOM}} Paris , year={20-23 October 1982} , note={Museum of Decorative Arts} } @book{b53, , title={{Essays on Museums and their Theory. The Finnish Museums Association}} , author={{ S?ola Tomislav }} , year={1997} , address={Helsinki} } @book{b54, , title={{La définition du musée: étendue et motifs. Vers une rédefinition du musée ?}} , author={{ TomislavS?ola }} , editor={F. Mairesse, Desvallées, A} , year={2007} , publisher={L´Harmattan} , address={Paris} } @book{b55, , title={{An Essay on The Science of Public Memory}} , author={{ TomoslavS?ola } and { Mnemosophy }} , year={2015} , publisher={European Heritage Association} , address={Zagreb} } @book{b56, , title={{Museology-science or just practical museum work? Museological Working Papers}} , author={{ Zbyn?kZStránský }} , year={1980} } @book{b57, , title={{Museology as a science}} , author={{ Zbyn?kZStránský }} , note={a thesis} } @book{b58, , title={{}} , author={{ Museologia }} , year={1980} 11 } @incollection{b59, , title={{The theory of systems and museology. Interdisciplinarity in museology}} , author={{ Zbyn?kZStránský }} , booktitle={{Museological Working Papers (MuWoP)}} , year={1981} } @incollection{b60, , title={{Museum-Territory-Society}} , author={{ Zbyn?kZStránský }} , booktitle={{Symposium Museum-Territory-Society. New Tendencies/New Practices. London. ICOFOM Study Series}} , year={1983} 2 } @incollection{b61, , title={{Commentaires et points de vue sur les mémoires de base présentés dans I'ISS no 10}} , author={{ Zbyn?kZStránský }} , booktitle={{Buenos Aires. Symposium Museology and Identity. Comments and views. Icofom Study Series}} , year={1986} 11 } @incollection{b62, , title={{Breaking down the topic}} , author={{ Zbyn?kZStránský }} , booktitle={{What are the right questions? Symposium Museology and Museums. Helsinki-Espoo. ICOFOM Study Series}} , year={1987} 12 } @incollection{b63, , title={{Basic papers}} , author={{ Zbyn?kZStránský }} , booktitle={{Symposium Forecasting -A Museological Tool? Museology and Futurology. Den Haag. ICOFOM Study Series}} , year={1989} 16 } @incollection{b64, , title={{The Department of Museology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University of Brno and the Questions of Defining a Profile of the Museology Curriculum}} , author={{ Zbyn?kZStránský }} , booktitle={{Symposium Museums, Space and Power. Athens-Thessaloniki. ICOFOM Study Series}} , year={1993} 22 } @book{b65, , title={{Introduction to the Study of Museology, for the Students of the International Summer School of Museology}} , author={{ Zbyn?kZStránský }} , year={1995} , address={Brno} ISSOM-Masaryk University } @book{b66, , title={{Archeologie a muzeologie (Museología y Arqueología)}} , author={{ Zbyn?kZStranský }} , year={2005} , address={Brno} Masarykova Univerzita } @book{b67, , author={{ JATerradas } and { EnvironnementÉcologie }} , title={{Le role des musées. Symposium Museum-Territory-Society. New Tendencies/New Practices. London. ICOFOM Study Series}} , year={1983} 2 } @incollection{b68, , title={{Cultural heritage: Time for street-art agents. (Center for the Study of Culture, Politics and Society Faculty of Economy and Business}} , author={{ GloriaRomanello } and { #Iononmilasciofregare } and { Iwontgetscrewedover }} , booktitle={{The Predatory Museum. ICOFOM Study Series}} , year={2017} 45 University of Barcelona } @book{b69, , title={{XX Cursos Monográficos. Reflexiones sobre la Nueva Museología 30 años después}} , author={{ AaVv } and { El Patrimonio } and { Histórico }} , year={2010} Corrientes actuales de la Museología en España. PUbliCAN Ediciones. Universidad de Cantabria } @incollection{b70, , title={{Museums Real or Virtual? Museology and Presentation: Original or Virtual? ICOFOM Study Series}} , author={{ Ventosa } and { Muñoz } and { Silvia }} , booktitle={{Cuenca / Ecuador and Galápagos Islands; Museums-Pädagogisches Zentrum}} , year={2002} } @incollection{b71, , title={{}} , author={{ ZubiaurCarreño } and { FranciscoJCurso De Museología }} , journal={{Trea}} , year={2005} }