History of Administration and Communication Ideas During the Renaissance Period in the 14th – 17th Centuries


  • D.V. Kislov


power, state administration, information, communication, communicativeness, historical dimension


Development of new ideas and proposals related to administration and communication activities makes us turn to the past to find the points of departure in the history of development of this area of knowledge This publication looks at a period starting from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the Age of the Enlightenment called the Renaissance This was a period of rethinking the administration and communication ideas of the Antiquity based on Plato s and Aristotle s ideas In this sense two opposing trends were formed from toughening and absolutizing standards in relations of power to on the contrary granting to the population more rights and opportunities for the freedom of speech and self-expression The most prominent expressions of the following thinkers are presented Francesco Petrarch Leonardo Bruni Niccolo Machiavelli Hugo Grotius Thomas Hobbes John Locke and a number of other outstanding people of this period

How to Cite

D.V. Kislov. (2021). History of Administration and Communication Ideas During the Renaissance Period in the 14th – 17th Centuries. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(D1), 19–26. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/102326

History of Administration and Communication Ideas During the Renaissance Period in the 14th – 17th Centuries

