Narratives of Environmental Issues at the Pradoso’s District of Vitória Da Conquista City in Bahia State/Brazil


  • Vânia Mendes da Silva Novais

  • Luiz Artur Dos Santos Cestari


ecology of knowledge intellectuals of tradition narratives


This research will propose the appreciation of local knowledge that came from intellectuals of tradition living at the Pradoso s district located in Vit ria da Conquista-BA city and it aims to understand an epistemology that expresses their specific aspects It will point out the knowledge using an ecology that will take into an account at the same time the nonscientific understanding from these people and a theoretical standing against the epistemological practices from the dominant paradigm of modernity The data were collected using narratives with older people in Pradoso s district as an empirical study of narrative inquiry about ways of life and environmental issues belonging to the culture of this peasant community Hence we believe the narratives offered a vital dialogue between emerged knowledge and scientific culture whose objective is describing the environmental issues at this community valorizing traditional understanding and finding accordance with academic and scientific culture

How to Cite

Vânia Mendes da Silva Novais, & Luiz Artur Dos Santos Cestari. (2021). Narratives of Environmental Issues at the Pradoso’s District of Vitória Da Conquista City in Bahia State/Brazil. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(B1), 1–10. Retrieved from

Narratives of Environmental Issues at the Pradoso’s District of Vitória Da Conquista City in Bahia State/Brazil

