A Constrained Choice: Productivity and Political Activity


  • Rohnn Sanderson


collective choice, utility, political activity, government trust, agency issues, regulation, distrust


Collective choice has been a topic of research for many years Recent research has focused on individual s trust in government and how a lack of trust can actually lead to an increase in the size of government and as the size of government increases we may again see a further increase in the lack of trust in government Garen Clark 2011 As I thought about this interesting result I concluded it would be worthwhile to step back and look at this issue through the lens of a constrained optimization problem In this paper I solve for an individual making a constrained choice between work and political activity to identify some baseline stylistic characteristics of what may or may not cause increased political activity among individuals

How to Cite

Rohnn Sanderson. (2014). A Constrained Choice: Productivity and Political Activity. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 14(E1), 15–20. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/954

A Constrained Choice: Productivity and Political Activity

