Anthropocentrism: Existence against Essence


  • Professor Slobodan VukiAeviA


anthropocentrism, existence, essence, sustainable-responsible development, eco needs


Anthropocentrism magnifies the importance of existence in relation to man s essence This degrades the generic essence of the man and his genuine need for nature The principles of sustainable development are at stake The way modern man lives and works stands in deep contrast with these principles Thus the central issue of sustainable development is where are the causes of alienation of modern man from the principles of sustainable development For the answers h ave to l ook at human nature and the nature of the human community Their synthesis may direct socio anthropogenesis of modern man in the direction of accepting the principles of sustainable that is responsible development in which the principle of needs is more important than the need itself

How to Cite

Professor Slobodan VukiAeviA. (2013). Anthropocentrism: Existence against Essence. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 13(D1), 5–13. Retrieved from

Anthropocentrism: Existence against Essence

