Middle Class: Definition, Role and Development


  • Anna Tarkhnishvili



a Research Problem Middle Class is solely capable to bind higher and lower classes into society as the organization of citizens Our research therefore can be regarded as a sustainability study of society b Research Objectives The first appearance of the term is typically associated with the origin of capitalist formation The question is what is the correspondence between the origin of a socio-economic phenomenon and its denomination What is the role of Middle Class in the establishment development of non-capitalist societies c Research Methods The methods include both empirical collection and analysis of socioeconomic historical data and theoretical socio-philosophical understanding of basic trends and forecasts d Key Findings In the post-Darwin science any member of any society is neither a citizen nor a social actor but merely a primate participant of struggle for survival Middle Class more then the other two classes has to oppose this severe motivation will to power or thirst for money set to prevail over the civics e Implications of Findings to Theory and Practice The dogmas of protestant capitalist ethics agree with those of the struggle for survival Perhaps some amendments are desirable in order to avoid permanently intermittent economic depressions

How to Cite

Anna Tarkhnishvili. (2013). Middle Class: Definition, Role and Development. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 13(C7), 21–31. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/874

Middle Class: Definition, Role and Development

