Urban Regeneration and Human Rehabilitation - Thriven by Fourth Nature


  • Simone Back Prochnow



It is nowadays quite usual to hear the affirmation everything is connected and this banalization makes us sometimes not take its real importance into account We live in an intrinsically complex living world Everything breathes everything moves everything dances What about being able to hear the same music Once we allow our senses to perceive our surroundings a previous unknown dimension of life opens for us Andreas Weber 2016 says that only in the mirror of other life can we understand our own lives Only in the eyes of the other we become ourselves This reinforces the Fourth Nature Concept that talks about the reciprocity existing in the relation man Nature through a new consciousness PROCHNOW 2020


How to Cite

Simone Back Prochnow. (2022). Urban Regeneration and Human Rehabilitation - Thriven by Fourth Nature. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(A3), 13–16. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/4032

Urban Regeneration and Human Rehabilitation -  Thriven by Fourth Nature

