Emirati Foreign Policy strategy in the Context of Ukraine-UAE Relations


  • Dr. Koppel O.A.

  • Fedianin V.O.


UAE, UKRAINE, regional power, foreign policy, strategy, relations, cooperation, transformation, interests


The UAE has transformed its foreign policy over the past decade Conservative diplomacy can no longer meet the needs and national interests of the UAE which has become an influential regional power with global ambitions In most cases the UAE s foreign policy is analyzed on the basis of specific foreign policy steps initiatives and statements At the same time little attention has been paid to the analysis of the UAE s foreign policy strategy This paper identifies and considers the three main stages of strategy development

How to Cite

Dr. Koppel O.A., & Fedianin V.O. (2022). Emirati Foreign Policy strategy in the Context of Ukraine-UAE Relations. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(F2), 33–41. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/3990

Emirati Foreign Policy strategy in the Context of Ukraine-UAE Relations

