Deus-Trindade: Paradigma Paras as Relacoes


  • Aurea Marin Burocchi


trinity the human being love


The God of the creed and of the Christian liturgy the Holy Trinity - Father Son and Holy Spirit - was forgotten for almost 1 600 years This forgetfulness with the consequent christomonism experienced by Christians and also by the theological reflection was the reflection of a patriarchal monocratic society especially the feudal model in which the lord was the only one to have authority over the entire family group and of the servants and aggregates This model had important influences on human relations An example of this is the monarchical authoritarianism that prevailed in the West of the world Since the 19th century and the development of philosophy psychology and sociology theology also takes up together with the legacy of the Fathers of the Church the reflection on the Trinity based on these disciplines After the Second Vatican Council the compulsory resumption of the Trinitarian foundation of the theological disciplines is verified Today it is understood that the model of God-Trinity relationships is also valid for human relationships in which it is possible to experience in an always fallible and fleeting way God-Trinity in established relationships

How to Cite

Aurea Marin Burocchi. (2021). Deus-Trindade: Paradigma Paras as Relacoes. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(C7), 1–8. Retrieved from

Deus-Trindade: Paradigma Paras as Relacoes

