Results of the Election Campaign to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Reasons for the Absence of Opposition among Russian Voters Living Outside of it (For Example, Israel).


  • Dr. Bocharov Yuri Borisovich


elections to the state duma of the russian federation, opposition, suffrage, voting abroad, turnout, voter


The article examines the results of voting in the State Duma of the Russian Federation which took place on September 19 2021 both in Russia and abroad in 144 countries of the world Based on the conclusions of various categories of international observers a contradictory opinion is formed about the results of the elections on the territory of Russia On the example of Israel publications in local media on the eve of the elections are analyzed as well as statements and actual actions on the part of individual representatives of the Russian opposition living in Israel before and during the elections The results of voting both on the territory of Russia and abroad are compared Conclusions are drawn about the passivity of the opposition and the absence of a critical mass of opposition-minded citizens who are not satisfied with the actions of the Russian authorities and do not approve of its path The reasons for the appearance of anti-Russian statements in foreign media are analyzed

How to Cite

Dr. Bocharov Yuri Borisovich. (2021). Results of the Election Campaign to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Reasons for the Absence of Opposition among Russian Voters Living Outside of it (For Example, Israel). Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(F6), 49–53. Retrieved from

Results of the Election Campaign to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and the Reasons for the Absence of Opposition among Russian Voters Living Outside of it (For Example, Israel).

