Nature, Freedom and Pedagogy-A Comparative Analysis of Rousseau and Tagore


  • Dr. Ayanita Banerjee



Naturalism the philosophy of Nature which subordinates mind and spirit to matter denies belief in the Supernatural and the Spiritual While Idealism idolizes the Mind or the Self Naturalism emphasizes matter and the physical world Unlike the Idealists claim substantiating that God alone is the true agreement of concept Begriff and reality Realit t all finite endlichen things involve some untruth Unwahrheit they have a concept and an existence Existenz which are incommensurable 1 the Naturalists say that the ultimate reality is matter which manifests itself in the form of Nature According to this philosophy the material world or the physical world or Nature is the only real world that can be comprehended through human senses and unfurled through scientific investigations Atom Empty space and Motion are the three postulates on the basis of which the entire Nature and the phenomena of the Universe can be explained As Ernest Hocking writes

How to Cite

Dr. Ayanita Banerjee. (2021). Nature, Freedom and Pedagogy-A Comparative Analysis of Rousseau and Tagore. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(H4), 43–52. Retrieved from

Nature, Freedom and Pedagogy-A Comparative Analysis of Rousseau and Tagore

