Chrononyms and the Time Identity


  • Dr. Reginaldo Nascimento Neto


time, chrononymy, identity, etymology


This paper intends to argue that Chrononymy the denomination of time divisions have been only descriptive or designative because time is still far from being understood So this study of Chrononymy focuses on the examination of the names of temporal phenomena and its goal is to discover the initial motivation of a given chrononym as well as the moment and circumstances in which the primitive semantic layer was broken redirecting a new fluid of meaning through new ramifications of meanings or its semantic emptying It is assumed that the Chrononymy or way of naming the time used by civilizations reveals kinetic-astral space environmental religious and metaphorical motivations In this way Chrononymy would envelop descriptions of these phenomena from the perspective of the paradigms of each epoch which when uncovered rescues the basic scientific and anthropological reference of temporal identity eclipsed by continuous semantic emptying It is sought a theoretical anchor in authors as Bakhtin 1990 Dick 1990 1998 Piettre 1997 among others and analyze etymology and historical-semantic flow for terms like second minute week month year century age and its chrononimic subdivisions with the purpose of identifying the nominee s motivations

How to Cite

Dr. Reginaldo Nascimento Neto. (2021). Chrononyms and the Time Identity. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(G4), 23–36. Retrieved from

Chrononyms and the Time Identity

