Photography and Philosophy: Light about Color or the Schizophrenic Form


  • Prof. Dr. Abah Andrade


photography - philosophy - schizophrenic form - contemporary aesthetics


The present essay is an attempt to do a philosophically approach of an unpublished series of photographs - Light about color - produced by the Brazilian photographer Eduarda Lima through the construction of the concept of schizophrenic form and from a lively dialogue with the philosophical contributions of Mikel Dufrenne Theodor Adorno Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari Our thesis is that saturating in color photography approaches music and in doing so creates not only a moving image but a concept that of the schizophrenic form

How to Cite

Prof. Dr. Abah Andrade. (2021). Photography and Philosophy: Light about Color or the Schizophrenic Form. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(A1), 1–13. Retrieved from

Photography and Philosophy: Light about Color or the Schizophrenic Form

