Consciousness is Result of Ether Energy Resonant Stabilisation Process - EERSP


  • Pavle Vesic




In last fifty years consciousness appeared to be the most intriguing scientific question For most people that question does not exists The fact that we are aware that we exist is something what is not questionable With the development of quantum mechanics where the matter was described by wave function life and accompanied processes were supposed to be mathematically describable Most of living internal function were successfully described by temporary chemistry and physic but consciousness phenomena was not explainable within that domain David Chalmers posed the most difficulties consciousness question hard problem This article in short describes consciousness as a result in ether energy resonant stabilization process EERSP based on ATOS 1 and Process physics 2

How to Cite

Pavle Vesic. (2020). Consciousness is Result of Ether Energy Resonant Stabilisation Process - EERSP. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(A17), 1–2.

Consciousness is Result of Ether Energy Resonant Stabilisation Process - EERSP

