Rethinking the Concepts of Subsumption, Surplus Value and Audience Labour in Digital Capitalism


  • Eduardo Molina Campano

  • Gilda Márquez Valero

  • Ramón Soriano Díaz


subsumption, surplus value, social media, rent, audience labour, prosumer


This article analyzes the concept of subsumption concerning the evolution of labour and surplus value focusing on the so-called audience labour as that constant users digital and social media activity of contemporary capitalism For some authors this activity directly produces surplus value in abstract and should be considered as productive labour On the conclusions we try to add some ideas to the debate in question

How to Cite

Eduardo Molina Campano, Gilda Márquez Valero, & Ramón Soriano Díaz. (2020). Rethinking the Concepts of Subsumption, Surplus Value and Audience Labour in Digital Capitalism. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(F4), 21–28. Retrieved from

Rethinking the Concepts of Subsumption, Surplus Value and  Audience Labour in Digital Capitalism

