A Methodological Proposal for the Construction of Municipal Sustainable Development Indices using Data Envelopment Analysis


  • Wesley Osvaldo Pradella Rodrigues

  • Daniel Massen Frainer

  • Daniel Amorim Souza Centuriao


sustainability index; DEA; ecological economics


In this study we constructed the Municipal Sustainable Development Index MSDI with the use of Data Envelopment Analysis DEA consider ing seventeen 17 socioeconomic and environmental indicators thus achieving the classification of towns in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul MS like sustainable development local strengths and weaknesses that may facilitate or hinder the regional sustainable development The state of MS goes through a process of influential agro-industrial development with powerful environmental impact requiring measures of State Public Policymakers The MSDI was formulated following the tripod structure of social sustainability SDI - Social Development Index economic EDI Economic Development Index and environmental EnDI Environmental Development Index Selected indicators of each structure represented each sustainability aspect being tested separately by the models DEA-CCR and DEA-BCC to generate efficiency scores for subsequent aggregation into a synthetic index that represents the sustainable development of municipalities The relevance of the present work consisted of broadening the debate on sustainable development and identifying the local inequalities and the need for targeting public policies in order that promote sustainable and comprehensive development In applying the methodology DEA-BCC model fits best to the data of the municipalities considered The inefficiencies found were for the most part related to economic aspects

How to Cite

Wesley Osvaldo Pradella Rodrigues, Daniel Massen Frainer, & Daniel Amorim Souza Centuriao. (2020). A Methodological Proposal for the Construction of Municipal Sustainable Development Indices using Data Envelopment Analysis. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(H5), 39–48. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/3189

A Methodological Proposal for the Construction of Municipal Sustainable Development Indices using Data Envelopment Analysis

