Les Technologies De L Information Et De La Communication (TIC) Promeuvent-Elles L Inclusion Financiere En Afrique Sub-Saharienne ? Do Information And Communication Technologies (ICTs) Promote Financial Inclusion In Sub-Saharan Africa?


  • Timbi Sezard

  • Abessolo Yves Andre


ICT, financial inclusion, theory of the diffusion of innovation


The objective of this paper is to assess the effect of ICTs on financial inclusion in Sub-Saharan African countries The main contribution of this work lies in the application of Rogers 2003 theory of diffusion of innovation to the explanation of access to financial services and the introduction of the financial inclusion index that we develop following the work of Sethy 2016 The methodology is based on the fixedeffect model inspired by the modified version of the Gompertz innovation diffusion model introduced by Chow 1983 and revised by Rogers 2003 The sample includes 33 SSA countries and the study period is 2004-2017 The empirical analysis leads to the results that on the one hand mobile phones and the internet have a positive and significant effect on financial inclusion and on the other hand fixed phones negatively and significantly affect accessibility to financial services

How to Cite

Timbi Sezard, & Abessolo Yves Andre. (2020). Les Technologies De L Information Et De La Communication (TIC) Promeuvent-Elles L Inclusion Financiere En Afrique Sub-Saharienne ? Do Information And Communication Technologies (ICTs) Promote Financial Inclusion In Sub-Saharan Africa?. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(E2), 37–47. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/3158

Les Technologies De L Information Et De La Communication (TIC) Promeuvent-Elles L Inclusion Financiere En Afrique Sub-Saharienne ? Do Information And Communication Technologies (ICTs) Promote Financial Inclusion In Sub-Saharan Africa?

