Representation of Female Sexuality and Freedom: Kate Chopins Selected Short Stories


  • Zeenat Sharmin


female sexuality, female freedom, conventions, marriage


The writer Kate Chopin has written about female sexuality and the restrictions put by marriage as an institution upon the lives of women Her writings delineate the lives of female characters who are burdened by the relationships they have in society They are self-assertive and courageous women of the nineteenth century They are thought to be ahead of their time They have refused to accept the traditional roles and conventions of the society and have shown the deepest drives of their hearts Chopin has explored these female souls as a woman writer Her first attempt is to highlight the sense of female freedom and a true understanding of their nature in her writings The purpose of this article is to analyze the representation of female sexuality and freedom in Kate Chopin s selected short stories entitled The Story of an Hour The Storm and A Pair of Silk Stockings

How to Cite

Zeenat Sharmin. (2020). Representation of Female Sexuality and Freedom: Kate Chopins Selected Short Stories. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(A3), 11–14. Retrieved from

Representation of Female Sexuality and Freedom: Kate Chopins Selected Short Stories

