Conflicts and Resolutions on Religions Differences as Means of Acquiring Slaves in the African Gulf of Guinea during the Slave Trade Period: The Case of Nigeria and Cameroon in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries


  • Suh Hillary Sama


yesterday, today, religions, conflicting, christianity, islam, paganism, transatlantic


Within the Gulf of Guinea yesterday and today we could find out that the existed and still in existence many kinds of Religions these varieties of believes at first was a threat to one another each conflicting or fighting for supremacy and hegemony Some of these religions that pose a threat to one another humanity were Christianity and Paganism traditional belief Muslims and Paganism paganism versus paganism Islam for the Muslim and Christian for Christianity But with the passing of time other noted religion or faith has developed and grown to a wider dimension and their existences are also widely acknowledged like others The aforementioned religions that surfaced in the community of Nigeria and Dahomey Benin Republic and Cameroon it is generally noted that they all open ways for slaves ushered during the transatlantic slave trade transaction and in the aftermath eras Furthermore due to conflictual views hence paving the way for the growth and increased in slaves captivity of some Africans found around the Gulf of Guinea Amongst several mentions is the most notable Yoruba religion that evoked our Centre of focus and concentration is the Orisha religion It should also be noted that these above mention religions at one time and another in conflicts brought some Resolutions as consequences in the entire regions of Nigeria and Cameroon in the Gulf of Guinea

How to Cite

Suh Hillary Sama. (2020). Conflicts and Resolutions on Religions Differences as Means of Acquiring Slaves in the African Gulf of Guinea during the Slave Trade Period: The Case of Nigeria and Cameroon in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(H2), 63–77. Retrieved from

Conflicts and Resolutions on Religions Differences as Means of Acquiring Slaves in the African Gulf of Guinea during the Slave Trade Period: The Case of Nigeria and Cameroon in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

