Extra-Terrestrial Impact Craters (ETICs) and Related Geomorphology- A Case Study of Silali Basin, Kenya


  • Loice J. Kipkiror


ETICs, crater, silali basin, geomorphology


ETICs are special features on the earth s surface first because they are unique geomorphological formations and two because they are created by heavenly forces The formation of ETICs does not only modify the earth s surface but also leads to the genesis of many other landforms This paper seeks to describe the various geomorphological features that compile an ETIC and the landforms that are linked to the formation of ETICs According to Thompson and Turk 1992 Extra-Terrestrial Impacts are responsible for many geologic processes through the initiation of mantle plumes A mantle plume is a vertical column of plastic rock that rises through the mantle like hot smoke through a stack Among its many effects are lithospheric plate motions which are credited with the formation of spectacular geomorphological features around ETICs Mantle plumes are found beneath ETICs

How to Cite

Loice J. Kipkiror. (2019). Extra-Terrestrial Impact Craters (ETICs) and Related Geomorphology- A Case Study of Silali Basin, Kenya. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 19(B2), 1–23. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/2879

Extra-Terrestrial Impact Craters (ETICs) and Related Geomorphology- A Case Study of Silali Basin, Kenya

