To Which Direction, Iran Community Goes? Tradition or Modernity


  • Javad Bahmani


tashayo, safavid, modernity, tradition


In Sheikh Safildin Ardebili era and then Esmail Safavi wearing the cloth of Sheikh occupied the cities one after another in the first city Ardebil called Ali Valiollah to establish Shia religion in the country What was the reason He released himself of Ottomans to believe it really Since that era superstition of this religion was increased and sometimes distinguishing wrong from right is impossible By a review of present community and its cultural link with the past I find about the causes of duality in selection of path by people This issue motivates my thoughts to respond and this is the final aim of this study

How to Cite

Javad Bahmani. (2017). To Which Direction, Iran Community Goes? Tradition or Modernity. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 17(F3), 55–56. Retrieved from

To Which Direction, Iran Community Goes? Tradition or Modernity

