A Few Notes on the Field of `Between The Field of Between As a Core Concept of the Interdisciplinary Dialogue


  • Hisaki Hashi



The Field of Between is a central concept in scientific theory which I developed in 2006 Since 2008 I have presented and discussed it in my lectures Natural Philosophy and Natural Science as well as in other lectures in Central Europe and abroad At the Interdisciplinary Symposium of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 2009 organised in co-operation of the Academy s Centres at Vienna and Warsaw this topic was one of the keynotes running through the whole Symposium On the occasion of the new publication of a revised version in English I shall explain briefly what constitutes the essential parts of this core concept

How to Cite

Hisaki Hashi. (2015). A Few Notes on the Field of `Between The Field of Between As a Core Concept of the Interdisciplinary Dialogue. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 15(H1), 25–28. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/1469

A Few Notes on the Field of `Between The Field of  Between As a Core Concept of the Interdisciplinary Dialogue

