The Scenic Picture of Underworld Presented in the Spanish Tragedy: From Islamic Perspective


  • Nusrat Jahan


death, afterlife, interior period, judgment, punishment, heaven, hell


The picture of underworld in The Spanish Tragedy Act-1 scene-i by Thomas Kyd may be encountered with Islamic view In this text this picture is extracted from Greek Mythology where the writer shows how after death a person has to toil to attain the Ferry to enter into the realm of Hades or underworld then how a person faces a trial to get settled in eternal world the terrible furies on way to the King s palace the unbearable punishment of some miscreants etc Al-Qur an and Al-Hadith also provide the picture of a dying person and his reaction the interior period to pass the Final Day of Judgment the process of trial and finally a person s last destination This article is an attempt to compare and contrast between the pictures of the underworld stated in Al-Qur an and Al Hadith and in the Text The Spanish Tragedy Act I Scene I

How to Cite

Nusrat Jahan. (2015). The Scenic Picture of Underworld Presented in the Spanish Tragedy: From Islamic Perspective. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 15(G5), 1–6. Retrieved from

The Scenic Picture of Underworld Presented in the Spanish Tragedy: From Islamic Perspective

