Scientific Evidence for the Buddhist Teachings about the Existence of Elements of the Universe in Three Forms:The Body, Mind and Imperfect Cluster of Elements. the Law of Motion of Animated Matter


  • Jargal Dorj



This article is aimed to prove the veracity of the sentence about the existence of matter element of the non-eternal universe under three forms the matter body spirit mind and imperfect cluster of elements body-mind through the validation of the manifestation of the matter with spiritual characteristic in non-eternal universe at first Also We will demonstrate that the life of the universe follows the law of motion on spirited matter as well as show that Buddhist philosophy is dualist and dialectic

How to Cite

Jargal Dorj. (2014). Scientific Evidence for the Buddhist Teachings about the Existence of Elements of the Universe in Three Forms:The Body, Mind and Imperfect Cluster of Elements. the Law of Motion of Animated Matter. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 14(A9), 17–26. Retrieved from

Scientific Evidence for the Buddhist Teachings about the Existence of Elements of the Universe in Three Forms:The Body, Mind  and Imperfect Cluster of Elements. the Law of Motion of  Animated  Matter

