Niger Delta Development in a Corruption Ridden Society: Importance of Insurgency


  • Adu



A society where insurgency becomes relevant to achieve a political objective is on its way to crisis Crisis abounds in Africa There is a need for socio-political reordering to assist Nigeria in development and force government to look into matters before it is too late The origin of militia insurgency was the need to force government to intervene in the degenerated socio-political situation in the different parts of the country Militia groups situated within the Niger delta region having existed for sometime re-engineered into a more active survivalist and well focused cartel going into a bit of extremity This forced government to rise to the need of the Niger Delta and the amnesty situation yielded the right result in the establishment of the ministry of the Niger delta an educational sponsorship of ex militants and a need for the current constitutional review This paper discussed suggested avenues to assist government in early intervention and prevent civil society intervention through militia formation to move the country forward

How to Cite

Adu. (2014). Niger Delta Development in a Corruption Ridden Society: Importance of Insurgency. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 14(H2), 33–41. Retrieved from

Niger Delta Development in a Corruption Ridden Society: Importance of Insurgency

