Environcentricism: A Philosophy for a Constantly Changing World


  • Valentine Ehichioya Obinyan



The present disastrous predicament of flood in the world today more than ever calls for an immediate attention of every one inclusive to participate in the ongoing campaign for a more evironcentric world We live in an ever constant-changing world both for the betterment as well as the destruction of man and his world where it is either you go out and come to meet your house and property on fire or floating on a miraculous manifested ocean from a five minutes rain1 or perhaps meet your environment-house and properties being transformed by a contemporary construction technique or low cast consumption code to enhance better living By and large it is an either or universe instigating a need to adopt an environcentric philosophy worthy of connecting the disconnects and reviving our lost environmental values or valuation and obligations From an environcentric philosophical dimension The research examines the problems associated with nature or the universe and attempts answers to certain important questions as its energetic force what is the cause of this environmental disbalance how do we remedy the situation and make our universe habitable for all life forms and those of the next generation To ensure an exhaustive analysis this work shall be phenomenological and criticalanalytic in its method This study concludes with the affirmation that an environcentic philosophy which identifies and respects the deep spiritual connection between man and his environment to ensure a value and purposeful and peaceful existence

How to Cite

Valentine Ehichioya Obinyan. (2014). Environcentricism: A Philosophy for a Constantly Changing World. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 14(C5), 1–8. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/1071

Environcentricism:  A Philosophy for a Constantly Changing World

