Representation of Values in the Discourse of Advertising (Based on Toyota Automobile Slogans)


  • Liudmila Sudina


values, advertising discourse, slogans, value picture of the world


This article deals with values component inherent for advertising discourse Values in advertising discourse influence the recipients and achieve their pragmatic goals Advertising discourse mirrors the values that have already existed in a particular society It also forms new values and implements them into people s minds creating new forms of reality where the possession of a good is more desirable than that of the real needs of a consumer Values representation in the advertising discourse highlights the most significant cultural meanings of the dominant values which are widely represented by the explication of hedonistic social and material values determined by the necessary requests of the recipients


How to Cite

Liudmila Sudina. (1970). Representation of Values in the Discourse of Advertising (Based on Toyota Automobile Slogans). Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 24(C4), 21–24. Retrieved from

Representation of Values in the Discourse of Advertising  (Based on Toyota Automobile Slogans)

