Apology of Subjectivity, in Science and Social Relations


  • Marcelo, Quiroz Calle


subjectivity, subject, intersubjectivity, experience, science, representation, interaction, consciousness, being


A subjectivity is the confessed manifestation of a created social coexistence or interrelation of individuals that is socially integrated to reproduce and produce its development possibilities production that is represented by a subject a phenomenon commonly known eventually as subjectivity which is nothing more than the social representation of a construction through an individual who represents an active social integration or intersubjectivity therefore subjectivity is not a simple opinion as an isolated definition of an individual it is rather a manifest intersubjectivity or represented by a subject of a social unit in interaction being that this as a created social manifestation is an ideal reproduction of conditions of a developing coexistence that has built as a process subjects that manifest the experiences produced as part of a social integration or intersubjectivity that is created o constantly produced as definitions of reproduction and social development Hence a subjective manifestation is a represented intersubjectivity that is a subject as a social individual only is insofar as a state to be from its manifestation or represented social interrelation that allows it to be and transcend as a representative of a collectivity Hence subjectivity is the demonstrative graphic representation of a community from a collective construction to which it represents or applies through an individual manifestation that reproduces variable and complex - depending on the different types of coexistence- matrices of social development to prevent and act in their social interaction with others which means defining subjectivity as a created social product where a subject represents a plurality of interrelations produced and in production a process that this article will deal with as part of a hermeneutic methodical relationship that pretends or rather presumes to understand such interrelationship


How to Cite

Marcelo, Quiroz Calle. (2023). Apology of Subjectivity, in Science and Social Relations. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 23(C6), 35–42. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/103877

Apology of Subjectivity, in Science and Social Relations

