Expropriation of Rights, Dependent Capitalism and Transfer of Income: Reflections on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Ana Paula Ornellas Mauriel




transfer of income, expropriation, dependent capitalism, covid-19 pandemic, neoliberalism


The text focuses on taking stock of income transfer programs in Brazil in order to bring subsidies to analyze these initiatives during the COVID-19 pandemic The result of a bibliographical review and documentary research the article points out that monetary aid was the main form of protection against pauperization in the capitalist periphery during the health crisis but ensuring the maintenance of the neoliberal fiscal and economic austerity agenda The conclusions show that income transfer programs in dependent countries where the relationship between expropriation and overexploitation prevails were enlarged with the COVID-19 pandemic thus helping to ensure the expanded reproduction of dependency conditions by maintaining the stagnant relative overpopulation in informality and precarious work that increased during the health crisis


How to Cite

Ana Paula Ornellas Mauriel. (2023). Expropriation of Rights, Dependent Capitalism and Transfer of Income: Reflections on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 23(E3), 25–37. https://doi.org/10.34257/GJHSSEVOL23IS3PG25

Expropriation of Rights, Dependent Capitalism and Transfer of Income: Reflections on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic

