Current Issues and Challenges in the Acquisition of Office Technology and Management Education Skills In Federal College of Education (Technical), Asaba


  • Ojianyaegbu, Idowu


current issues and challenges, acquisition, office technology and management skills


This paper examined the current issues and challenges facing the acquisition of OTME skills in Federal College of Education Technical Asaba Office Technology and Management is a synergy of three distinct words office technology and management It is a well-established fact that advances in technology has affected different professions with a view to meet global trends in higher productivity speed networking and excellent packaging Accomplishing the routine tasks with machines is known as automation


How to Cite

Ojianyaegbu, Idowu. (2023). Current Issues and Challenges in the Acquisition of Office Technology and Management Education Skills In Federal College of Education (Technical), Asaba. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 23(G3), 73–79. Retrieved from

Current Issues and Challenges in the Acquisition of Office Technology and Management Education Skills In Federal College of Education (Technical), Asaba

