Narratives about the Origin of COVID-19 on Twitter with an Emphasis on Conspiracy Theory


  • Aparecido Francisco dos Reis



covid-19; social networks; conspiracy virus


The primary idea of the following paper is to identify and analyze posts on Twitter about the origins of the coronavirus and the responses to the pandemics outbreak through the conspiracy theories that place China the communism and other international social and political players as the responsible for the creation and dissemination of the SARS-CoV-2 The theoretical contributions that will be discussed in due course resort to the understanding of conspiracy theories production and diffusion considered from a socio-anthropological perspective bringing into evidence the concept of conspiracy theory

How to Cite

Aparecido Francisco dos Reis. (2023). Narratives about the Origin of COVID-19 on Twitter with an Emphasis on Conspiracy Theory. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 23(H2), 47–52.

Narratives about the Origin of COVID-19 on Twitter with an Emphasis on  Conspiracy Theory

