We are like them Conjunction between the Claimed Past, Sense of Unity and Globalized trade in the Atacamas/Atacameno Exchange Fairs


  • Jorge D’Orcy Saez


atacama/atacameño, exchange fairs, people of the fairs, stigmatization


This work is the result of research that we have carried out between 2009-2019 on the exchange fairs or also called barter fairs that occur in the Andean area surrounding in the triple border between Argentina Bolivia and Chile These fairs are scheduled and organized autonomously by a group of cross-border indigenous organizations of the Atacama Atacame o people-nation

How to Cite

Jorge D’Orcy Saez. (2023). We are like them Conjunction between the Claimed Past, Sense of Unity and Globalized trade in the Atacamas/Atacameno Exchange Fairs. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(E7), 45–58. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/103580

We are like them  Conjunction between the Claimed Past, Sense of Unity and Globalized trade in  the Atacamas/Atacameno Exchange Fairs

