Defining the Internal Borders of the Empire: Conceptions of Territory during the Process of Independence. Brazil, 1820 Decade


  • Vitor Marcos Gregório


territory – provinces – constitution – empire of brazil


The process of construction and consolidation of any modern national State necessarily involves the definition of its territory That does not end with the geographical aspects of the issue which are in themselves endowed with the complexity inherent to the delimitation of borders designed

How to Cite

Vitor Marcos Gregório. (2022). Defining the Internal Borders of the Empire: Conceptions of Territory during the Process of Independence. Brazil, 1820 Decade. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(D2), 33–47. Retrieved from

Defining the Internal Borders of the Empire: Conceptions of Territory during the Process of Independence. Brazil, 1820 Decade

