Food Insecurity in Bangladesh: Causes and Effects


  • Farhana Hoque


food insecurity, food accessibility, stability, food availability, food sustainability, proper food utilization


This article delineates the theoretical parts of food insecurity and its idea causes and effects with some potential solutions at the national and global levels Food security can be handily characterized as sufficient food accessible at the local area or family level public and worldwide level Food security depends on four support points accessibility availability utilization and stability Availability implies the supply-side of food security not entirely set in stone by the degree of food production stock levels and net exchange Accessibility indicates that worries about lacking food access have brought about a more noteworthy strategy centered around earnings use markets and costs in accomplishing food security targets Use is regularly perceived as the manner in which the body takes advantage of the different supplements in the food Stability is commonly connected to the vulnerable context and perilous factors with variables can adversely affect food availability or access to food Essentially food insecurity is considered as when an individual can t get an adequate measure of good food on a daily basis Food insecurity go about as both cause and logical results due to low-income and access food insecurity wins and in another way because of food insecurity viciousness and precariousness happen in a country The main cause of food insecurity is neediness expanding populace natural disasters and so on These causes in food insecurity influence the populace as hunger weakness and stunted children The author has tried to trigger some solutions to remove food insecurity problems And these potential solutions can be utilized as alertness


How to Cite

Farhana Hoque. (2022). Food Insecurity in Bangladesh: Causes and Effects. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 22(C4), 37–47. Retrieved from

Food Insecurity in Bangladesh: Causes and Effects

