“An old man’s eagle mind”: A Passionate Refashioning of the Poet’s Self in W. B. Yeats’s ‘An Acre of Grass’


  • Anupam Roy


physical decay, passion, creative energy, transmute, self, refashion


Yeats s Last Poems 1939 according to critics like F R Leavis lacks the complexity and tension of his earlier works Instead most of the poems included in this collection are evocative of the mood of resignation and the decrepitude of old age Amidst this physical decay the poetic persona relentlessly strives to refashion the self by transmuting his passion into creative energy The realization of truth regarding the tragic gaiety of the mind heightens the psychological tension arising from the conflict between the body and the soul The poetic refashioning is informed by the persistence of the creative impulse that contributes to the integrity of the self and its symbolic defiance of the ineluctable physical process Taking Yeats s poem An Acre of Grass as the case study this paper would examine how the process of poetic composition corresponds to the cycle of human existence birth decay and rebirth

How to Cite

Anupam Roy. (2021). “An old man’s eagle mind”: A Passionate Refashioning of the Poet’s Self in W. B. Yeats’s ‘An Acre of Grass’. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 21(A2), 7–9. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/102351

“An old man’s eagle mind”: A Passionate Refashioning of the Poet’s Self in  W. B. Yeats’s ‘An Acre of Grass’

