“Blue is the New Green”: The Economy of the Sea as a (Regional) Development Policy


  • Thauan Santos

  • Andrea Bento Carvalho


economy of the sea, maritime clusters, regional development, blue economy, brazil


This paper has as main objective to propose the economy of the sea as a regional development policy in maritime countries by nature To this end we begin by analyzing the evolution of the economy of the sea concept understood as an analytical tool that can play the role of strategic regional development policy To make it possible we analyzed the cluster theory maritime highlighting particularities of its governance nature and performance We then narrow the dialogue between the theoretical framework and regional development presenting some key variables that can contribute to the analysis and evaluation of different cases of maritime clusters suggesting it as a model to make such a development policy feasible Taking the case of two maritime clusters in Brazil Rio Grande and Rio de Janeiro we create and analyze the Herfindahl-Hirschman index HHI based on the number of employees of the municipalities facing the sea using official data of the Annual List of Social Information RAIS having as base year 2018 This proxy may be used as a guide to promoting both clusters evaluating the current scenario and at the same time indicating potential sectors to be developed or encouraged in both cases Through this economy of the sea perspective the sea can be explored needs to be managed and must be protected

How to Cite

Thauan Santos, & Andrea Bento Carvalho. (2020). “Blue is the New Green”: The Economy of the Sea as a (Regional) Development Policy. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 20(E2), 7–21. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/102037

“Blue is the New Green”: The Economy of the Sea as a (Regional) Development Policy

