The Death Penalty a A Negation of the Right to Life


  • Wole Iyaniwura


philosophy, hedonistic, executions, scientific


There is belief by the protagonist of the death penalty that certain needs of the society which cannot be achieved by other methods are met by the execution of the criminal That is the solution to certain crimes is the killing of the perpetrator of such crimes The final solution to a deviant The understanding philosophy is that whether the executions are carried out in public or shielded form behind the prison walls death penalty is necessary at least for the good of the society Probably it is on the Benthamite utilitarian or hedonistic principle felicific calculus the promotion of the common will and the the happiness of the greatest number This believe or argument has it major flaws

How to Cite

Wole Iyaniwura. (2014). The Death Penalty a A Negation of the Right to Life. Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 14(E4), 33–41. Retrieved from

The Death Penalty a A Negation of the Right to Life

