@incollection{, D5702671D072BB2E4EDFABED02423554 10.1590/S00 , author={{Fernanda P.Medina}}, journal={{Global Journal of Human Social Sciences}}, journal={{GJHSS}}2249-460X0975-587X10.34257/GJHSS, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Global Journals Organisation}21121720 } @book{b0, , title={{}} 10.1590/S00%2034-77011997000100005. } @incollection{b1, , title={{hystérie ou l'enfant magnifique de la psychanalyse}} , author={{ LNasio }} , journal={{Éditions Payot et Rivages}} 85 , year={1995} } @book{b2, , title={{Dictionaire de la psychanalyse}} , author={{ PlonRoudinesco }} , year={2006} 487 , address={Paris, Fayard} } @book{b3, , title={{References Références Referencias}} } @book{b4, , title={{}} , author={{ ABreton } and { Nadja }} , year={1963} , address={Paris, Gallimard} } @book{b5, , title={{Invention de l'hysterie. Charcot et l'iconographie photographique de la Salpêtrière}} , author={{ GDidi-Huberman }} , year={1982} , address={Paris, Macula} } @incollection{b6, , title={{The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud}} , author={{ STheFreud } and { Uncanny }} , journal={{James Strachey}} XVII , publisher={The Hogarth Press} } @book{b7, , author={{ SFreud } and { Le Délire } and { WGradiva" De } and { Jensen }} , title={{The Oeuvres complètes de psychanalyse}} , editor={ JanineAltounian PascaleHaller DanielHartmann } Paris, PUF , year={2007} VIII } @book{b8, , author={{ ET AHoffmann } and { Au Sable }} , title={{Contes fantastiques II, translation by Loève-Veimars}} Paris, Flammarion , year={1980} } @incollection{b9, , title={{Jardim do Éden revisitado}} , author={{ RLaraia } and { BDe }} 10.1590/S0034-77011997000100005 , journal={{Revista De Antropologia}} 40 1 , year={1997} } @incollection{b10, , title={{L'hystérie ou l'enfant magnifique de la psychanalyse}} , author={{ J-DNasio }} , booktitle={{Éditions Payot et Rivages}} Paris , year={1995} } @book{b11, , title={{Freud e a estética da estranheza. Literartes}} , author={{ FPMedina }} , year={2017} 1 , note={S. l.} } @book{b12, , title={{}} , author={{ ERoudinesco } and { FranceHistoire De La Psychanalyse En }} , year={1925-1985. 1994} 2 , address={Paris, Fayard} } @book{b13, , title={{}} , author={{ GWajcman } and { ÉditionsLagrasse } and { Verdier }} , year={1998} }