@incollection{, A80647510F04D5E06FBBA1C90A89E242 , author={{Romildo Gomes GomesPinheiro}}, journal={{Global Journal of Human Social Sciences}}, journal={{GJHSS}}2249-460X0975-587X10.34257/GJHSS, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Global Journals Organisation}2112110 } @book{b0, , title={{La vie de l'esprit. La pensée. Le vouloir}} , year={2013} , publisher={PUF} , address={Paris} } @book{b1, , author={{ ____________ } and { Rosa Luxemburgo }} , title={{Homens em Tempos Sombrios. S: Cia das Letras}} , year={Rosa Luxemburgo -1871-1921. 1998} } @book{b2, , title={{Ensaios Reunidos: Escritos sobre Goethe}} , author={{ WBenjamin }} , year={2018} 34 , address={São Paulo} } @book{b3, , title={{Héritage de Notre Temps}} , author={{ EBloch }} , year={1985} , address={Paris} Critique de la Politique } @book{b4, , title={{Socialisme ou barbárie -o conteúdo do socialismo}} , author={{ CCastoriadis }} , year={1983} , publisher={Seuil} , address={Paris} } @book{b5, , title={{SP: Atica}} , author={{ IDeutscher } and { Política }} , year={1982} } @book{b6, , author={{ LDumont } and { Homo Aequalis } and { LIi } and { 'idéologia Allemande -France-Allemagne } and { Retour }} , title={{Gallimard}} Paris , year={1991} } @book{b7, , title={{The Germans -Power Struggles and the Development of Habitus in the Nineteenth and Twenthieth Centuries}} , author={{ NobertElias }} , year={1996} , publisher={Colombia University Press} , address={New York} } @book{b8, , title={{Le rôle de la violence dans l'histoire}} , author={{ FEngels }} , year={1962} , publisher={Ed. Sociales} , address={Paris} } @incollection{b9, , title={{A Revolução se o Terror -o debate dos historiadores do século XIX}} , author={{ FFuret }} , journal={{A Revolução em Debate. SP: Edusc}} , year={2001} } @incollection{b10, , title={{Modernidade e dupla consciência}} , author={{ PaulGilroy } and { Negro }} , journal={{SP: Ed}} 34 , year={2001} } @incollection{b11, , title={{Os anos de aprendizado de Wilhelm Meistter}} , author={{ WGoethe }} , journal={{SP: Ed}} 34 , year={2006} } @incollection{b12, , title={{}} , author={{ RKoselleck } and { Extratos } and { Tempo }} , journal={{RJ: Contraponto}} , year={2012} } @book{b13, , title={{A Invenção Democrática -os limites da dominação totalitária. SP: Brasiliense}} , author={{ CLefort }} , year={1983} } @incollection{b14, , title={{}} , author={{ VILenin } and { Imperialismo }} , booktitle={{fase superior do capitalismo. SP: Centauro}} , year={2010} } @book{b15, , title={{The Politics of combined and Uneven development -the Theory of Revolution Permanent}} , author={{ MLowy }} , year={1991} , address={London} } @incollection{b16, , title={{A Teoria do Romance}} , author={{ GLucaks }} , booktitle={{RJ: Duas Cidades}} , year={2000} } @book{b17, , title={{O pensamento conservador}} , author={{ KMannheim }} , editor={K. MANNHEIM, SP, Ática} , year={1998} } @incollection{b18, , title={{Necropolítica -Biopoder, soberania, Estado de exceção, política da morte}} , author={{ KMarx }} , booktitle={{SP: N-1 Ed}} , year={2018} , note={Introduction à la crítique de la philosophie du droit de Hegel, Trad} } @incollection{b19, , title={{}} , author={{ ErnstNolte }} , journal={{Nº}} 25 , year={1989} } @book{b20, , title={{A Revolução Russa -1917-1921. SP: Brasiliense}} , author={{ DanielReis } and { Arãao }} , year={1989} } @book{b21, , title={{Revoluções Russa e o socialismo soviético. São Paulo: Unesp}} , author={{ ________________ } and { As }} , editor={RENAN, E. La Réforme intellectuelle et morale. Paris: Ed. Complexe} , year={2003. 1990} 33 } @incollection{b22, , title={{Fascism as a Mass-Movement}} , author={{ ARosenberg }} , booktitle={{Historical Materialism 20}} , year={1934. 2012} } @book{b23, , title={{}} , author={{ ESaid } and { Questão Da Palestina } and { São Paulo }} , year={2012} , publisher={Unesp} } @book{b24, , title={{The Rule the Law under Siege. Selected essays of Franz Neumann and Otto Kirchheimer}} , author={{ WEScheuerman }} , year={1984} , publisher={University Of California Press} , address={London, New York} } @book{b25, , title={{}} , author={{ BSouvarine } and { UrssLe Cauchemar Dans La }} , year={2001} , publisher={Poche} , address={Paris} } @incollection{b26, , title={{A revolução passiva -Iberismo e americanismo no Brasil}} , author={{ LuizVianna } and { Werneck }} , journal={{RJ: Revan}} , year={2004} } @book{b27, , title={{The Least of All Possible Evils: Humanitarian Violence from Arendt to Gaza}} , author={{ AWeyzmann }} , year={2012} , address={Verson, London} }