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Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos}} , year={1997} } @book{b1, , title={{The morality of happiness}} , author={{ JuliaAnnas }} , year={1993} , publisher={Oxford University Press} } @incollection{b2, , title={{Prudence and Morality in Ancient and Modern Ethics}} , author={{ JAnnas }} , journal={{Ethics}} 102 , year={1995} } @book{b3, , title={{Platonic Ethics, Old and New}} , author={{ JAnnas }} , year={1999} , publisher={Cornell University Press} } @book{b4, , author={{ JAnnas }} , title={{Happiness as achievement}} , year={2004} } @incollection{b5, , title={{}} , journal={{Journal of American Academy of Arts and Sciences}} 133 2 , note={Daedalus} } @book{b6, , title={{Intelligent Virtue}} , author={{ JAnnas }} , year={2011} , publisher={Oxford University Press} } @incollection{b7, , title={{Applying virtue to Ethics}} , author={{ JAnnas }} , journal={{Journal of Applied Philosophy}} , year={2014} , note={La traducción del párrafo me pertenece} } @book{b8, , title={{Ética Eudemia, Gredos}} , author={{ Aristóteles }} , year={1995} } @book{b9, , author={{ Aristóteles }} , title={{Ética a Nicómano. 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Méthexis}} , year={1997} 10 } @book{b17, , title={{¿Qué es la filosofía antigua?}} , author={{ PHadot }} , year={1998} , publisher={Fondo de Cultura Económica} } @incollection{b18, , title={{}} , author={{ Hesíodo }} , journal={{Teogonía. Trabajos y Días. Escudo. Certamen. Alianza Editorial}} , year={2013} } @book{b19, , title={{Historia de la Filosofía}} , author={{ JHirschberger }} , editor={I. Herder} , year={1954} } @book{b20, , author={{ LópezSalort }} , title={{Perspectivas contemporáneas en Ética. Enfoques, Volumen XXX, Nº}} , year={2018} 2 } @book{b21, , title={{Viajando con Pierre Hadot por el pensamiento antiguo}} , author={{ LópezSalort }} , year={2019} , publisher={Editorial Académica Española} } @book{b22, , title={{}} , author={{ RMcinerny } and { JO'callaghan }} , year={2014} , note={Saint} } @book{b23, , title={{The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy}} , author={{ ThomasAquinas }} } @book{b24, , title={{El genio helénico y los caracteres de sus creaciones espirituales}} , author={{ RMondolfo }} , year={1943} Universidad Nacional de Tucumán } @incollection{b25, , title={{Human Functioning and Social Justice: In Defense of Aristotelian Essentialism}} , author={{ MNussbaum }} , journal={{Political Theory}} 20 20 , year={1992} } @incollection{b26, , title={{La ética de la virtud: una categoría equívoca. Areté}} , author={{ MNussbaum }} , journal={{Revista de Filosofía}} XI , year={1999} } @book{b27, , title={{Non-Relative Virtues: An Aristotelian Approach. The World Institute for Development Economics Research}} , author={{ MNussbaum }} , year={2004} } @book{b28, , author={{ MNussbaum }} , title={{Frontiers of Justice. Disability, Nationality, Species Membership. Cambridge Mass}} , publisher={The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press} , year={2006} } @book{b29, , title={{Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach}} , author={{ MNussbaum }} , year={2011} , publisher={The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press} , address={Cambridge} } @book{b30, , title={{La fragilidad del bien: fortuna y ética en la tragedia y la filosofía griega}} , author={{ MNussbaum }} , year={2015} , publisher={Antonio Machado Libros} } @book{b31, , title={{}} , author={{ Platón }} , year={1999} , publisher={El Banquete. Alianza} } @book{b32, , title={{}} , author={{ Platón }} , year={2002} Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México } @book{b33, , title={{Epístolas morales a Lucilio. 2 vols. Gredos}} , author={{ Séneca }} , year={1986} } @incollection{b34, , title={{Entrevista a Enrico Berti}} , author={{ AVigo }} , journal={{Anuario Filosófico}} 3 , year={2009} } @book{b35, , title={{Fundamentos de la filosofía griega}} , author={{ EZeller }} , year={1968} , publisher={Ediciones Siglo Veinte} }