@incollection{, 40CD208D9DD00593AC2BE42CB031270B , author={{Shah Mohammad Omer FaruqeJubaer}}, journal={{Global Journal of Human Social Sciences}}, journal={{GJHSS}}2249-460X0975-587X10.34257/GJHSS, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Global Journals Organisation}2095354 } @incollection{b0, , booktitle={{What is criminology? Understanding Crime and Criminals}} } @incollection{b1, , title={{The sociological theories}} , journal={{J Shepherd}} , year={1981} } @book{b2, , title={{}} , author={{ Conflict }} , year={2005 retrieved December 25. 2008} from the criminology department of the Florida State University } @book{b3, , author={{ DHawkins }} , title={{Beyond anomalies: Rethinking the conflict perspective on race and criminal punishment}} , year={1987} }