@incollection{, 8525E0A2459192FB2B29F341F262C5EE , author={{Reinaldo CesarZanardi} and {MarceloSilveira}}, journal={{Global Journal of Human Social Sciences}}, journal={{GJHSS}}2249-460X0975-587X10.34257/GJHSS, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Global Journals Organisation}19817 } @book{b0, , title={{Mídia e deficiência. Brasília: Andi/Fundação Banco do Brasil}} , author={{ Andi }} , year={2003} } @book{b1, , title={{Justiça autoriza casal gay a adotar criana no interior de SP. Folha}} , author={{ RBaptista }} , year={2006. Nov. 23} } @book{b2, , title={{Elements of semiology 11. Print.). Translated by Jonathan Cape Ltd}} , author={{ RBarthes }} , year={1986} , publisher={Hill and Wang} , address={New York} } @incollection{b3, , title={{Em delegacia para deficientes de SP, cadeirante entra pelos fundos}} , author={{ HBrenha }} , journal={{Folha. Available}} , year={2014. Jun. 28} } @book{b4, , title={{Casamento de homossexuais divide os tribunais brasileiros. 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Feb. 6} } @incollection{b21, , title={{Intérpretes de surdos auxiliam de partos a formaturas em São Paulo}} , author={{ JMarques }} , journal={{Folha. Available}} , year={2016. Feb. 3} } @incollection{b22, , title={{Risco de assassinato 87% maior para negro}} , author={{ MHMonken }} , journal={{Folha. Available}} , year={2004. Aug. 4} } @incollection{b23, , title={{}} , author={{ JLMonteiro }} , journal={{Para compreender Labov}} , year={2000} , publisher={Vozes} } @book{b24, , title={{Principios de sociolingüística y sociología del lenguaje. 4}} , author={{ FMoreno-Fernandez }} , year={2009} , publisher={Ariel Letras} , address={Barcelona} } @book{b25, , title={{Ser que só o branco pode trabalhar?, questiona empregada. Folha}} , author={{ GPenteado }} , year={2006. Nov. 18} } @book{b26, , title={{Politicamente Correto & Direitos Humanos. Brasília: Secretaria Especial dos Direitos Humanos}} , author={{ ACQueiroz }} , year={2004} } @book{b27, , title={{Changing Reception of political correctness. (Doctor's Thesis)}} , author={{ PStod?lkov }} , year={2007} , address={Brno (Czech Republic} , note={Masaryk University in Brno} } @incollection{b28, , title={{Cliente de mercado em SP chamado de 'negro periférico' em briga na fila}} , author={{ MZylberkan }} , journal={{Folha. Available}} , year={2017. Dec. 7} } @book{b29, , title={{Valency is applied to the media studies. Originally, the technique was developed for the analysis of press coverage on the presidential elections and the space dedicated to parties and candidates. Today, the technique can be applied to any topic of media coverage}} The concept of Valency was used, pioneeringly, by researchers of IUPERJ (University Research Institute of the State of Rio de Janeiro) , note={today IESP (Institute of Social and Political Studies), from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). In the methodology of the IUPERJ, valences were divided into positive, negative and neutral} } @book{b30, , title={{All emphasis in excerpts and quotations are added by the authors, except for foreign words}} }