@incollection{, 19272C5607D1DC89969425A9FF56E19F , author={{R. EnkeuAgiati}}, journal={{Global Journal of Human Social Sciences}}, journal={{GJHSS}}2249-460X0975-587X10.34257/GJHSS, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Global Journals Organisation}1934352 } @incollection{b0, , title={{Adolescent alienation: what is it and what can educators do about It?}} , author={{ MRBrown } and { Dkk }} , journal={{Intervention in school and clinic}} , editor={39. Pro-Ed} , year={2011} } @book{b1, , title={{Theoritical structure of adolescent alienation: a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis}} , author={{ LEric } and { Dkk }} , year={2011} , publisher={Libra Publishers, Inc} 38 } @book{b2, , title={{Psychology Applied to Life and Work}} , author={{ Hepner }} , year={2008} Inggris. Flienbder University , note={3 Edition} } @book{b3, , title={{Metode penelitian bidang sosial}} , author={{ HNawawi }} , year={2014} , publisher={Gadjah Mada University Press} , address={Yogyakarta} } @book{b4, , author={{ WLNeuman }} , title={{Social research method: Qualitative and quantitative approach}} Boston , publisher={Allyn and Bacon} , year={2007} , note={3rd edition} } @book{b5, , title={{Social Work Practice: across Disability}} , author={{ RothmanJuliet } and { C }} , year={2013} , publisher={Pearson Education. Inc} , address={New. York} } @book{b6, , title={{Alienasi : sebuah pengantar paling komprehensif}} , author={{ RSchacht }} , year={2011} , publisher={Jala Sutra} , address={Yogyakarta} } @book{b7, , title={{Humanistic Psychotherapies .Hanbooks}} , author={{ Katz & KahnSeeman } and { Dean }} , year={20144} , publisher={Harper Collins} , address={New York} } @book{b8, , title={{Hubungan Konsep Diri dengan Alienasi Mahasiswa}} , author={{ Silva }} , year={2005} , address={Malang. UMU} }