

  • Tayyaba Razzaq


rituals, spirituality, ceremonies, religious- scriptures


Humans are spiritual beings and preferred to be an element one way or the other of this potent mighty power that fascinated him Men have been urged to look or visualize the Mighty Lord Different kind of tools and means were designed in various religious communities to offer a few beautified methods to meet this fundamental intuition To attain spirituality many ancient religions had their own rituals and ceremonial systems that mostly consist of external rites and practices The purpose of the study is to examine and determine the importance of rituals that are being practice in the world religions What the methods religious scriptures has mentioned for their followers to adopt to attain spirituality The study is to find out similarities and differences in rituals practices to attain spirituality as mentioned in their religious scriptures Research methodology for this study adapted is descriptive This research study has fined out that some ritual systems are concerned with inwards purification rather than outwards The major purpose of all such practices fasting sacrifices charity etc are all to free men from the entire evil deeds make him pure as the will of the Lord and closer to it

How to Cite

Tayyaba Razzaq. (2019). Ritual . Global Journal of Human-Social Science, 19(A5), 27–43. Retrieved from https://socialscienceresearch.org/index.php/GJHSS/article/view/2817


