@incollection{, 34EFEB138B230D389D65EF82D8DFB305 , author={{Fátima Regis deOliveira}}, journal={{Global Journal of Human Social Sciences}}, journal={{GJHSS}}2249-460X0975-587X10.34257/GJHSS, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Global Journals Organisation}2393746 } @incollection{b0, , title={{}} , author={{ SaraAhmed }} , journal={{Affective Economies. Social Text}} 22 2 , year={2004} , address={Summer} } @book{b1, , title={{The Social Power of Algorithms. Information, Communication and Society}} , author={{ DavidBeer } and { Gareth }} 10.1080/1369118X.2016.1216147 , year={2017} } @book{b2, , title={{Matter and Memory}} , author={{ HenriBergson }} , editor={Trans. N. M. Paul and W. S. 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E?otion et affectivite}} 7 , year={1999} , publisher={Editions alter} , address={Paris} } @book{b10, , author={{ Jean-PierreDupuy }} , title={{Nas origens das ciencias cognitivas}} , publisher={Saõ Paulo: Unesp} , year={1996} } @book{b11, , title={{Affective mapping: melancholia and the politics of modernism}} , author={{ JonathanFlatley }} , year={2008} , publisher={Harvard University Press} , address={Cambridge, MA} } @incollection{b12, , title={{Media competence. Articulated proposal of dimensions and indicators}} , author={{ JFerrés } and { APiscitelli }} , booktitle={{La competencia mediática: propuesta articulada de dimensiones e indicadores}} , year={2012} } @book{b13, , title={{}} , author={{ Comunicar }} 10.3916/C38-2012-02-08 38 } @book{b14, , title={{Media literacy, news literacy, or news appreciation? A case study of the news literacy program at Stony Brook University}} , author={{ JFleming }} , year={2014} 69 , note={Journalism e Mass Communication Educator} } @book{b15, , title={{The mind's new science: a history of the cognitive revolution. 2nd}} , author={{ HowardGardner }} , year={1987} , publisher={Basic Books} , address={Cambridge, Massachusetts} } @incollection{b16, , title={{Radical Mediation}} , author={{ RichardGrusin }} , journal={{Critical Inquiry}} 42 1 , year={2015} , publisher={The University of Chicago Press} , address={Chicago} } @book{b17, , title={{Premediation: Affect and Mediality After 9/11}} , author={{ RichardGrusin }} , year={2010} , publisher={Palgrave MacMillan} , address={New York} } @book{b18, , title={{A lógica da vida}} , author={{ FrançoisJacob }} , year={1983} , publisher={Edições Graal} , address={Rio de Janeiro} } @book{b19, , title={{O rato, a mosca e o homem}} , author={{ FrançoisJacob }} , year={1998} , publisher={Companhia das Letras} , address={São Paulo} } @book{b20, , title={{Philosophy in the flesh}} , author={{ GeorgeLakoff } and { MarkJohnson }} , year={1999} , publisher={Basic Books} , address={New York} } @book{b21, , title={{The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life}} , author={{ JosephLedoux }} , year={1996} , publisher={Simon & Schuster} , address={New York} } @book{b22, , author={{ BrianMassumi }} , title={{The Politics of Systems and Environments Part II, autumn}} , year={1995. 1995} 31 , note={The Autonomy of Affect. Cultural Critique} } @book{b23, , title={{Mind Children}} , author={{ HansMoravec } and { Paul }} , year={1988} , publisher={Harvard University Press} , address={Cambridge} } @incollection{b24, , author={{ PatriciaMoravec } and { RandallMinas } and { AlanRDennis }} 10.2139/ssrn.3269541 , booktitle={{Fake News on Social Media: People Believe What They Want to Believe When it Makes No Sense at All}} , booktitle={{Kelley School of Business Research Paper}} , year={August 9, 2018} } @incollection{b25, , title={{Winning the War on State-Sponsored Propaganda: Results from an Impact Study of a Ukrainian News Media and Information Literacy Program}} , author={{ ErinMurrock } and { JoyAmulya } and { Druckman } and { Mehri } and { TetianaLiubyva }} , journal={{Journal of Media Literacy Education}} 10 2 , year={2018} } @book{b26, , title={{Things that make us smart}} , author={{ DonaldNorman }} , year={1993} , publisher={Perseus Books} , address={Cambridge} } @incollection{b27, , title={{Biontes, bióides e borgues}} , author={{ LuizOliveira } and { Alberto }} , booktitle={{Novaes, Adauto (org.). (2003) O homem-máquina: a ciência manipula o corpo}} São Paulo , publisher={Companhia das Letras} } @book{b28, , author={{ IlyaPrigogine } and { IsabelleStengers }} , title={{A nova aliança}} Brasília , publisher={Editora Universidade de Brasília} , year={1997} , note={3 ed.} } @incollection{b29, , title={{The Potential for Narrative Correctives to Combat Misinformation}} , author={{ AngelineSangalang } and { YotamOphir } and { Cappella } and { JosephN }} , journal={{Journal of Communication}} 69 , year={2019. jun. 2019} } @book{b30, , title={{On the Mode of Existence of Technical Objects. Translated from the French by Ninian Mellamphy}} , author={{ GilbertSimondon }} , year={1980} University of Western Ontario } @book{b31, , title={{A individuação à luz das noções de forma e de informação}} , author={{ GilbertSimondon }} , year={2020} 34 , address={São Paulo} } @book{b32, , title={{L'individuation psychique et colletive}} , author={{ GilbertSimondon }} , year={1989} , publisher={Aubier} , address={Paris} } @book{b33, , title={{The Interpersonal world of the Infant}} , author={{ DanielStern }} , year={1998} , publisher={Karnac Books} , address={London} } @book{b34, , author={{ FranciscoVarela }} , title={{Conhecer: as ciências cognitivas, tendências e perspectivas}} , publisher={Instituto Piaget} , year={1990} } @book{b35, , title={{A mente corpórea: ciência cognitiva e experiência humana}} , author={{ FranciscoVarela } and { EvanTThompson } and { EleanorRosch }} , year={2001} , publisher={Instituto Piaget} } @incollection{b36, , title={{How to unring the bell: A meta-analytic approach to correction of misinformation}} , author={{ NathanWalter } and { SheilaTMurphy }} Available:10.1080/03637751.2018.1467564 , journal={{Communication Monographs, v}} 85 , year={2018. may 2018} } @book{b37, , author={{ NorbertWiener }} , title={{Cibernética e Sociedade: o uso humano de seres humanos}} São Paulo , publisher={Editora Cultrix} , year={1954} , note={2 ed.} }