@incollection{, 1A7B7FC9B82D7E80DA1B74AA4E9333CF , author={{MarijanaJuralovich} and {Vilnius Pedagogical University,}}, journal={{Global Journal of Human Social Sciences}}, journal={{GJHSS}}2249-460X0975-587X10.34257/GJHSS, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Global Journals Organisation}2396179 } @incollection{b0, , title={{MELATONINO FIZIOLOGIN? REIK?M? ORGANIZMUI}} , author={{ V?erny?iov }} , booktitle={{Prieiga per internet?}} } @book{b1, , title={{Aviva Room. I?mintingieji hormonai. -Vilnius: Briedis}} , author={{ Dr }} } @incollection{b2, , title={{Doseresponse associations between accelerometry measured physical activity and sedentary time and all-cause mortality: a systematic review and harmonized meta-analysis}} , author={{ UEkelund } and { JTarp } and { JSteene-Johannessen } and { BHHansen } and { BJefferis } and { MWFagerland } and { PWhincup } and { KMDiaz } and { SPHooker } and { AChernofsky } and { MGLarson } and { NSpartano } and { RSVasan } and { IMDohrn } and { MHagströmer } and { CEdwardson } and { TYates } and { EShiroma } and { SAAnderssen } and { IMLee }} 10.1136/bmj.l4570> , journal={{BMJ}} 366 4570 , year={2019} , note={Prieiga per internet?} } @book{b3, , title={{}} , author={{ DGoleman } and { -Emocinisintelektas } and { Vilnius }} , year={2009} , publisher={Presvika} } @book{b4, , title={{Technologij? dalyko turinio kaita. 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PRADINIO, PAGRINDINIO IR VIDURINIO UGDYMO PROGRAM? BENDR?J? UGDYMO PLAN? PATVIRTINIMO 2023 m}} , author={{ Lietuvosrespublikos?vietimo }} , booktitle={{Prieiga per internet?}} , note={mokslo ir sporto ministras. baland?io 24 d.Nr. V-586} } @book{b15, , title={{}} , author={{ Vilnius -Ie?koti }} } @book{b16, , title={{Valstybin?s ?vietimo 2013-2022 met? strategijos ?gyvendinimas}} , author={{ Lr?mm }} , year={2015} , note={Interaktyvus} } @book{b17, , title={{Kod?l mes miegame. Tarptautinis besteleris. -Vilnius: Lietuvos ra?ytoj? s?jungos leidykla}} , author={{ WMatthew }} , year={2020} } @incollection{b18, , title={{Understanding puberty and its measurement: Ideas for research in a new generation}} , author={{ JMendle } and { AMBeltz } and { RCarter } and { LDDorn }} 10.1111/jora.12371> , journal={{Journal of Research on Adolescence}} 29 1 , year={2019} , note={Prieiga per internet?} } @book{b19, , author={{ Mokini?Ugdymo } and { ProcesoOrganizavimo Reikalavimai }} } } @incollection{b21, , title={{Sedentary behaviour and risk of all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality, and incident type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis}} , author={{ RPatterson } and { EMcnamara } and { MTainio } and { THDe Sá } and { ADSmith } and { SJSharp } and { PEdwards } and { JWoodcock } and { SBrage } and { KWijndaele }} 10.1007/s10654-018-0380-1> , journal={{Eur J Epidemiol}} 33 9 , year={2018} , note={Prieiga per internet?} } @book{b22, , author={{ Lr?mmPenktokas }} , title={{Prieiga per internet?: , journal={{J Am Coll Cardiol}} 73 16 , year={2019} , note={Prieiga per internet?} } @book{b28, , title={{Technologinio ugdymo?vadas: metodin? priemon?. Vilnius: vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto leidykla}} , author={{ LStatauskien? }} , year={2009} } @incollection{b29, , title={{Variations in accelerometry measured physical activity and sedentary time across Europeharmonized analyses of 47,497 children and adolescents}} , author={{ JSteene-Johannessen } and { BHHansen } and { KEDalene } and { EKolle } and { KNorthstone } and { NCMøller } and { AGrøntved } and { NWedderkopp } and { SKriemler } and { ASPage } and { JJPuder } and { JJReilly } and { LBSardinha } and { EM FVan Sluijs } and { LBAndersen } and { HVan Der Ploeg } and { WAhrens } and { CFlexeder } and { MStandl } and { ..Ekelund } and { U }} , journal={{International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity}} 17 1 , year={2020} , note={Interaktyvus} } @book{b30, 10.1186/s12966-020-00930-x> , title={{Prieiga per internet?}} } @book{b31, , author={{ DStravinskien? }} , title={{Prieiga per internet?: , note={Prieiga per internet?} } @book{b36, , title={{}} , author={{ Lions QuestTarptautin? } and { Asociacija }} , note={Prieiga per internet?} } @book{b37, , title={{}} , author={{ Tarptautin? } and { Konferencija }} } @incollection{b38, , title={{PUBERTETINIO AM?IAUS SPORTUOJAN ?I ? IR NESPORTUOJAN?I? MOKSLEIVI? FIZINIO PAJ?GUMO RODIKLI?}} , author={{ KBradauskien? } and { RJakubauskas }} , journal={{PALYGINIMAS}} , year={2022} } @book{b39, , author={{ Uta }} , title={{Prieiga per internet?}} , note={Interaktyvus. mokykla2030.lt} } @book{b40, , title={{Visuotin? lietuvi? enciklopedija}} , note={Prieiga per internet?} }