@incollection{, FAF046A7069C6A60096A4F7890820A78 , author={{ÁngelCalvo}}, journal={{Global Journal of Human Social Sciences}}, journal={{GJHSS}}2249-460X0975-587X10.34257/GJHSS, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Global Journals Organisation}234927 } @book{b0, , title={{}} , author={{ JesúsBanegas }} , year={9 July 2023} , note={Personal communication with the Author} } @book{b1, , title={{References Références Referencias}} } @book{b2, , title={{China Netcom: Corporate Governance in China (A) and (B)}} , author={{ ReginaMAbrami }} , year={July 2010} , note={Harvard Business School Teaching Note 311-018} } @incollection{b3, , title={{Why China Can't Innovate}} , author={{ ReginaMAbrami } and { WilliamCKirby } and { FMcfarlan } and { Warren }} , journal={{Harvard Business Review}} 92 , year={March 2014} } @incollection{b4, , author={{ YairAharoni }} , booktitle={{The Foreign Investment Decision Process}} Boston Mass , year={1966} } @book{b5, , title={{Decoding the success of Australian companies in India}} , author={{ NatashaJBhaskar }} , year={2022} , address={Perth US Asia Centre, Crawley} } @book{b6, , title={{Managing Global Innovation: Uncovering the Secrets of Future}} , author={{ RomanBoutellier }} , year={2008} , publisher={Springer} , address={Heidelberg} } @book{b7, , author={{ EugenioBregolat }} , title={{La segunda revolución china}} Destino, Barcelona , year={2007} } @incollection{b8, , title={{China, la última frontera de la diplomacia española}} , author={{ PabloBravo }} , booktitle={{Huarte de San Juan. 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El caso de las Técnicas Reunidas}} , author={{ JoséSebastián } and { Pedro } and { PabloVRovetta }} , journal={{Información Comercial Española}} 3097 , year={March 2018} , note={Boletín económico de ICE} } @book{b82, , title={{Securities and Exchange Commission, Annual report}} , year={2006} } @incollection{b83, , author={{ JacintoSoler }} , booktitle={{Experiencias de inversión española en Asia}} Barcelona , year={2003} } @book{b84, , title={{Management in China: The Experience of Foreign Businesses}} , editor={ RogerStrange } Frank Cass, London-Portland OR , year={1998} } @incollection{b85, , title={{}} , author={{ Swisscom }} , journal={{Annual Report}} , year={1997} } @incollection{b86, , title={{}} , author={{ AGSwisscom }} , journal={{Annual Report}} , year={1998} } @book{b87, , title={{}} , author={{ Telefónica }} , year={2007} , note={Annual Report} } @book{b88, , title={{}} , author={{ Telefónica }} , year={2008} , note={Annual Report} } @book{b89, , title={{Services liberalisation in Malaysia: a political analysis EU-Malaysia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry}} , author={{ LaurenceTodd }} , year={2019} , address={Kuala Lumpur} } @incollection{b90, , title={{Open for Business? China's Telecommunications Service Market and the WTO}} , author={{ TaniaVoon } and { AndrewMitchell }} , journal={{Journal of International Economic Law}} , year={2010} } @book{b91, , title={{The emergence of Multinational Enterprise}} , author={{ MiraWilkins }} , year={1970} , publisher={Harvard University Press} , address={Cambridge Mass} } @book{b92, , title={{Making the connection. The Peaceful Rise of China's Telecommunications Giants, WGA}} , author={{ DavidWolf }} , year={2012} , address={Los Angeles CA} } @book{b93, , title={{}} , author={{ Us-China WtoWto } and { Agreement } and { Wto }} , year={2000} } @book{b94, , title={{Growing through the deregulation: a study of china's telecommunications industry}} , author={{ YanruiWu }} , year={2001} The University of Western Australia, Crawley WA } @incollection{b95, , title={{China's Accession to the WTO and Its Implications for Foreign Direct Investment in Chinese Telecommunications}} , author={{ XuYan }} , journal={{Communications & Strategies}} 45 , year={1st quarter 2002} } @book{b96, , author={{ XuYan } and { DouglasPitt }} , title={{Chinese Telecommunications Policy}} Boston-London , publisher={Artech House} , year={2002} } @incollection{b97, , title={{Regulatory Politics in China's Telecommunications Service Industry: When Socialist Market Economy Meets Independent Regulator Mode", conference on Regulation in the Wake of Neoliberalism: Consequences of Three Decades of Privatization and Market Liberalization}} , author={{ Yukyung;Yeo } and { ArthurYeung }} , booktitle={{The Globalization of Chinese Companies: Strategies for Conquering International Markets}} Singapore , publisher={Wiley} , year={June, 2008. 2011} Utrecht University }