# Introduction s women are becoming engaged more in economic sector gender analysis of this sector is very necessary. They are doing their work in different organization and every organization has their own work culture. An organization is composed of two or more people and they work to attain certain set of goals (Robbins, 1998). Every organization has specific nature to increase their profit and to attain their goals. In most of the cases it has also been noticed that gender discrimination exist in the culture of organization (Sobering, 2016) following some stereotypes. The problem is that the mainstream values of any office is associated with hegemonic masculinities and expect these kinds of behavior from everybody. In my report I will try to show how mainstream patriarchal stereotypes of gender marginalize women and what could be possible way out for gender mainstreaming in organization. # II. # Background Gendered natures of organizational and occupational culture marginalize women in a new way or expect women to adopt these attributes which is associated with maleness. Every organization has their own historical background. This background creates impact to make the organizational culture. How the gender stereotypes of any particular organization create the gender division of and how gender differences are celebrated in an organization are the critical areas of discussion. Wood (1994) mentioned that there are few gender stereotypes which are actually expected among men and women in organization. Men are expected to be competitive and sturdy oaks whereas women are expected to be caring and iron maiden. So, the combination of the typical femininity and competitiveness is also expected among women. If they are more competitive they are tilted as iron maiden also in a negative way (Wood, 1994). There is a tendency of the organization that women are not capable to maintain their official responsibilities because of double burden (Friedan, 1963) of work so organization marginalize women regarding some work whereas they assign women in some kinds of stereotypical feminine job like secretary , receptionist following the stereotypes of organization (Wood, 1994). They cannot include themselves in any decision making process doing this job. # III. # Organization of the Report In first part of the report I have tried to describe stereotypes associated with the organizational culture and problems of those stereotypes. In second part of the report I will focus on different gender frameworks and try to connect my work experience with these frameworks. In last part of the report I will try to connect one of my field studies with Goetz's Organizational analysis. So, this report is a combination of theories as well as observational experience and field experience. # IV. Different Frameworks of Organization There are existing four frames of gender in workplace. For example: fix the women, celebrate differences, create equal opportunities and revise work culture. Based on these four frameworks we analyzed the case studies in our class. Now, I want to assess my previous working organization in Bangladesh identifying my marginalized or appreciated position and status using these frameworks. There was a mandatory orientation of SHE(Sexual Harassment Elimination)Policy to new employees as well as fixed employees were supposed to get maternity leaves. ? The existing gender focal point strengthen the voice of women. ? However, the scenario is not that much gender friendly in field office so they are trying to revise their work culture and transform the organization. Using my observation I tried to connect my previous workplaces with four types of gender frameworks which provide me insight to reduce the stereotypes of men and women in any organization to ensure productivity of all employees. V. # Organizational Culture The culture of any organization is largely dependent on the norms and system of particular organization. The organization culture consists of the vision of organization as well as historical custom. Any organizations keep their culture alive during the selection process, identifying performance management development strategies (PMDS) and socialization. There are some major elements of organization. For example: values, symbolic elements, role elements, interactive elements and context elements (Driskill and Brenton, 2011). Organizational Values are mainly associated with meaning interpretation, organizational rewards and verbal communication. Symbolic elements of organizational culture mainly consist of stories, language and non-verbal gestures etc. Role elements of any organization mean providing respect to individual or particular group of people. They are considered as different but included and respected in the organization because of their certain roles. Interactive elements are mainly associated with rituals like informal office gatherings and meetings of the organization (Driskill and Brenton, 2011). There are some informal rules regarding organization and based on these informal rules organization decides who will get the next promotion and who will not. Organizational communication style can be oral, formal documentation and electronic (Driskill and Brenton, 2011). In government office the employees follow more formal documentation style (Kyoko, 2020). However, these elements are gendered as most of the organization head are man and possessing the hegemonic masculine attributes. If women cannot adapt her with these attributes, she will be marginalized in any organization. # VI. Gender Analysis of Organization Gender analysis of organization helps us to understand the position of women in comparison with men in that particular organization. Using Gender Analysis Framework we can give a deeper look into the staff ratio, sexual harassment case and promotion ratio, presence of gender focal point, presence of safeguard policy and the presence of women in decision making level and analyze the culture of that particular organization. There are four types of Gender Analysis of Organization. For example: Goetz's Organizational analysis, Groverman and Gurung Organizational analysis, Aruna Rao and David Kelleher Organizational Analysis and Acker Analysis (Kyoko, 2020). Last year I worked as a Safeguard Consultant of Muslim AID (One of the Leading NGOs of my Country) where my main responsibilities were to investigate a sexual harassment case, modify their safeguard policy as well as assess their organizational culture. Understanding the Goetz's organizational analysis I am trying to connect my field data with this analysis. # a) Staff Ratio Staff ratio regarding male and female is literally gender imbalanced in Dhaka office of Muslim Aid. I have only found four female employees among all male colleagues whereas only one female was in decision making level who was looking after the accounts section. Considering this situation, I asked several concern people about female staff ratio. They also told me that number of projects had been merged or deducted so that the overall employee ratio was also decreasing. However, I have got to know about one ex-female employee who was working in Human Resource Department did not get enough scope to do work with her Manager as she was not provided the same task which has been mentioned in her job responsibilities. Somehow, her manager felt that Muslim Aid is going to deduct old employees so that he was not happy with the presence of female HR officer who was very talented (got to know from other colleagues) as he felt that HR officer is going to be replaced in HR manager position. The women HR officer was not satisfied about her remuneration as well as did not get enough scope of work so she left the job (Muslim Aid, 2019). At the same time, she felt very low as she had been suggested to do very simple work like submitting payroll reports in person, exit staff shifting roles etc. She felt that her work scope had been decreased so she left job, got good opportunity and working as Human Resource Head in an organization now. So, this organization lost a good employee just because of their gendered organizational culture (Muslim Aid, 2019). # b) Maternity leave and getting job back One of the managers told that one of the previous employees who had been suggested to take without pay leaves during her maternity time whereas our government provides 4 months maternity leave with pay and two months without pay leaves. Moreover, that staff was in her probation period and she had been suggested to take leave without pay (Muslim Aid, 2019). # c) Culture of Backbiting I have also found that culture of backbiting exists in the culture of Muslim Aid Country office as they like to talk about other colleagues' weaknesses whereas they are not focusing on their own problems so that productivity can be decreased. Maintaining coordination and co-operation these problems can be solved easily. When I was conducting interview, I have also found informal behavior talking with a few staffs. They have also lack of understanding regarding formal behavior and as a women consultant they did not take me seriously (Muslim Aid, 2019). # d) Field Culture The cultures at rural offices or field were worse than the culture of Dhaka office. I went there to investigate a sexual harassment case and found the proof of this case after talking with female and male students of their vocational program. There was a continuous history of exploitation of women students. Because of lack of proper complaining system they cannot launch any complaint. Most of the employees did not have any idea about safeguarding policy so that they suffered a lot (Muslim Aid, 2019). Even though they were mentioned to maintain their clothes properly so this organization culture was following Fix the Women culture framework. # e) Connection with Goetz's Analysis Understanding the culture of Muslim Aid it is easy to say that they have a good historical background though it has been changes over time due to the recruitment of new teacher and lack of connection between centre and rural offices. However, they did not provide proper orientation to their staff so that the new staff are not well aware about their existing policies and power playing factor is also noticeable among the staff (Muslim Aid, 2019; Goetz, 1997). Though the senior management is trying to revise their work culture, the coordination between centre office and rural office need to be done. Otherwise, it would be tough to get the transformation. # VII. Recommendation for Gender Transformation If we want to transform the gender biased organization a few recommendation need to be done. These are given below: ? Ensuring the equal number of staff ratio both in managerial and entry level, establishing gender unit and letting new people know about gender policy, providing gender training on regular basis, indicating severe punishment for perpetrators, investigating harassment case in a confidential way. ? Making women's voiced heard, appointing gender focal point in every organization, addressing the strategic need of every women employees, focusing on gender equality agenda (Kyoko, 2020). ? Providing an action and strategic planning listing all trainings of the year specially gender training, conduction of training among trainers etc (Kyoko, 2020). VIII. # Conclusion According to my understanding every organization is gendered whereas some organization have some specific characteristic of fix the women or other have the characteristics like celebrate differences. Moreover, some are trying to create equal opportunity or revise work culture for every employee. However, it is noticeable that women can be marginalized in organization because of andocentric behavior or they could be victim of sexual harassment so that it is necessary to develop a proper monitoring system establishing gender unit and appointing gender focal point or adopting gender policy. Thus the ways we can encourage more women in employment and contribute to the goal of SDG 5 (achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls). 1OrganizationPositionExisting CultureReasonDhaka FM (RadioRadio JockeyFix The Women? Andocentric culture, usage of abusive language wasStation)considered as smartness, drinking alcohol andsmoking was the existing culture, staying for a longtime without any work was appreciated, -Theyidentified women as problem as they were not able to provide much time maintaining their household responsibilities. ? Women were expected to deliver their program with sweetness (promoting stereotypes).A © 2022 Global Journals Volume XXII Issue VII Version I 25 ( ) Global Journal of Human Social Science -Year 2022CAuthor: Begum Rokeya University, Bangladesh. e-mail: chowdhurykuntala@yahoo.com BARCIK (Local NGO) ? They were against any kinds of sexual harassment. * Organizational in Action: A Cultural Analysis Workbook BrentonDriskill 10.4135/9781483349282 2011 Sage Publications, Inc. DOI * The Feminine Mystique BFriedan 1963 New York; Norton * Managing organizational change: the 'gendered' organization of space and time AMGoetz 10.1080/741922300 Gender and Development 1997 * Gender Analysis of Organization KKyoko 2020 Lecture 9. Power Point Slides * Observations on PSEA in Mab And Other Matters of Concern in Mab (as supplied MuslimAid September 2019 28 Data on file * MuslimAid Report on Safeguarding Issues in Mait Jessore and Msulim Aid Bangladesh September 2019 28 Data on file * Essentials of Organizational Behavior SPRobbins 1994 Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, N.J * Producing and reducing gender inequality in a workerrecovered cooperative KatherineSobering The sociological quarterly 57 2016