@incollection{, 7E6BDF7B24D62077D5261DFD97A96D60 , author={{Aline MagalhaesPinto}}, journal={{Global Journal of Human Social Sciences}}, journal={{GJHSS}}2249-460X0975-587X10.34257/GJHSS, address={Cambridge, United States}, publisher={Global Journals Organisation}2093544 } @book{b0, , title={{Miroirs d'encre}} , author={{ MBeaujour }} , year={1980} , publisher={Seuil} , address={Paris, France} } @book{b1, , title={{Paradigmes pour une métaphorologie}} , author={{ HBlumenberg }} , year={2006} , address={Paris, France, Vrin} } @book{b2, , title={{Teoria da inconceitualidade}} , author={{ _____________ }} , editor={Luiz Costa Lima Belo Horizonte, Brazil, Editora da UFMG} , year={2013} } @book{b3, , title={{(s/d) Naufrágio com espectador}} , publisher={Vega, Limitada} , address={Lisbon, Portugal} } @book{b4, , title={{Je suis fou de toi -le grand amour de Paul Valéry}} , author={{ DBona }} , year={2014} , publisher={Grasset} , address={Paris, France} } @book{b5, , title={{Karin Pozzi et la quête de l'immortalité}} , author={{ PBoutang }} , year={1991} , publisher={La Différence} , address={Paris, France} } @book{b6, , title={{Over her dead body: death, feminiity and the aesthetics}} , author={{ EBrofen }} , year={1992} , address={New York, EUA, Routledge} } @book{b7, , title={{The Diva and Doctor God: Letters from Sarah Bernhardt to Doctor Samuel Pozzi. Xlibris Corporation. Paperback}} , author={{ CDaCosta }} , year={2010. 2010} } @book{b8, , title={{Grandeur et déclin d'une maladie. La tuberculose au cours des âges}} , author={{ CCoury }} , editor={France, Lepetit S.A.} , year={1972} , address={Suresnes} } @book{b9, , title={{Catherine Pozzi. La vocation à la nuit}} , author={{ MDiaz-Florian }} , year={2008} , address={Paris, France; Aden} } @book{b10, , title={{The Aesthetics of mimesis. Ancients texts and modern problems}} , author={{ SHalliwell }} , year={2002} , publisher={Princeton University Press} , address={Princeton e Oxford, EUA} } @book{b11, , title={{Catherine Pozzi, Une robe couleur du temps}} , author={{ LJoseph } and { CEt Paulhan }} , editor={Ed. de la Différence} , year={1998} , address={Paris, France} } @book{b12, , title={{Catherine Pozzi, architecte d'un univers}} , author={{ AMalaprade }} , year={1994} , publisher={Découvir} , address={Paris, France} } @book{b13, , title={{Filosofía de la compensación -Escritos sobre antropologia filosófica. Translated by Marta Tafalla}} , author={{ OMarquard }} , year={2001} , publisher={Paidós Ibérica} , address={Barcelona, Spain} } @book{b14, , title={{The actors In: Perrot, M. (org) A history of private life -From the fires of Revolution to the Great War}} , author={{ M &Perrot } and { AMartin-Fugier }} , year={1990} } @book{b15, , title={{}} , author={{ MassachusettsCambridge }} , publisher={Havard University Press} } @book{b16, , title={{}} , author={{ CPozzi }} , editor={éd. et annot. Claire Paulhan, Preface by Lawrence Joseph} , year={2005} , publisher={Phébus} , address={Paris, France} } @book{b17, , author={{ ________________ }} , title={{Éditions Claire Paulhan/ Verdier. 18. _____________________Poèmes}} Paris, France; Paris, France , year={1995. 1959. 1959} , note={: Gallimard / Métamorphoses} } @book{b18, , title={{}} , author={{ _____________________Peau D'âme }} , year={1990} , address={Paris, France; La Différence} } @book{b19, , title={{}} , author={{ J___________________ & Paulhan }} , editor={Éd. Claire Paulhan} , year={1999} , address={Paris, France} } @book{b20, , title={{La flamme et la cendre}} , author={{ P________________ & Valéry }} , year={2006} , publisher={Gallimard} , address={Paris, France} } @book{b21, , title={{The banquet years -The origins of the Avant Garde in France: de 1885 to WorldWar}} , author={{ RShattuck }} , year={1968} , address={New York; Vintage book} } @incollection{b22, , title={{Le cahier aoûtdécembre 1927 de Catherine Pozzi}} , author={{ FSimonet-Tenant }} , journal={{Genesis}} 32 , year={2011} , note={on-line} } @book{b23, , author={{ SSontag }} , title={{Ilness as metaphor}} New York , publisher={Farrar, Straus and Giroux} , year={1978} } @incollection{b24, , title={{Cahiers II. Choix de texte . Org: J. Robinson Valéry}} , author={{ PValéry }} , booktitle={{Bibliothéque de la Pléiade, Gallimard}} Paris, France , year={1974} }