What Kind of Cultural Revolution is Taking Place in the US Today?

Table of contents

1. Introduction: A Neo-Bolshevik Movement

ome called it Neo-Marxism, but the term seems inadequate to me. Karl Marx was one of Hegel's great epigones, a thinker of some importance, relatively difficult to read, and Marxism -an extensively elaborated theory that does not address to just anyone. Therefore, I consider that the term "neo-Bolshevism" a better fit, for everything that the present disputatious movement called "progressive" really is, a raging and iconoclastic crowd, of which having read Marx is rather doubtful, a mob set off to bring down governments and detonate contemporary culture, in the name of some confuse ideas, which have not yet reached the status of a unitary and coherent ideology. "Progressiveness" is neither Socialism nor neo-Marxism, but a syncretic soar that involuntarily adopts the faults of the two. For instance, the Proletcultist Cultural Revolution was centered on the concept of the Proletariat seen as Messiah, at the same time in the contemporary American neo-Bolshevism, the Messianic dimension is democratically distributed to all imaginable minorities: racial, sexual and so on. Each minority feel equally entitled to try to save the world. The goal here, just like in the case of the other "revolutions" of this kind, the creation of a "new man", reaching the educational ideal of the "free" individual in fact liberated from under the authority of a culture consecrated for centuries, with a moral crystallized in Lutheranism and traditionalism. The old Bolshevism was openly anti-Christian, while today's neo-Bolshevism pretends to be post-Christian. The new "progressive" man, an individual, removed from the traditional normativity, would then be ideal for manipulation. A Soros-kind synthesis between Lenin's thinking and Mao's method. The purpose is yet the same: the denial of the whole existing cultureless 1 Despite being related with Leninism, Proletcultism and Maoism, the present movement, having anti-racism a starting point, cannot be cataloged as neo-Socialism, because -as Nathan Pinkoski has shown -it is radically different from the traditional European Socialism, in the sense that its promoters support ecology and agree with rising taxes even for the under-privileged, as long as principles like "political correctness" or "gender equality" remain untouched and openness towards the "LGBT community" and immigrants stays . . The old European Bolshevism meant hatred towards the bourgeoisie and the exploiting class, and Marx's contribution was to up-level this attitude to the status of theory, in contrast this American neo-Bolshevism, up until now without a theory, means more the hatred towards your self, your nation and your civilization. The class-enemy is no longer the exploiting bourgeois, but the Christian white man, married to a woman. Class struggle from Marxism-Leninism has now become a fight against the white, straight majority, in the benefit of people of color and sexual minorities. The thorn crown of suffering unjustly worn in the past has imperceptibly passed from the head of the former black slaves and their descendants today to the head of homosexuals and lesbians. But the elimination of homophobia and racial prejudice would automatically lead to the economic prosperity of these categories, without any work or effort on their part? Or, these categories cannot reach their economic thriving idea, using work, in the actual existent family, religious and mentality frame? Racial minorities, once privileged, would not turn against today's Western majority, practicing, at their turn, a form of inverted racism aimed at them? The formerly class: struggle is no longer against the exploiting class, but rather against the working class, the struggle is that of aberration against normality.

A French author, Alain Cavaille, undeniably describes how contemporary neo-Bolsheviks decompose and demonize social realities, using labeling, to rebuild a political enemy 3 II. The American Dream, from Reverie to Nightmare

. Briefly, if a man is born white, it means he is a racist. If his vote is rightoriented, he is a fascist. If he is heterosexual, he must be homophobic. If he is married to the same woman for over 40 years, he is outdated. If he eats stake, he is for cruelty against animals. If he is a Christian, he has to be bullied by Muslims or atheists. If he thinks for himself, without being influenced by others or mass-media, he is reactionary. Is he affirms his own culture, he is xenophobic. If he pleads for harsher punishment to discourage crime, he is a Gestapo-ist. If he militates for recognition of merits, he is a supporter of social inequality. If he considers that children should be given a more rigorous education, then he is an advocate of emotional child abuse. If he dares to say that a man should protect his country, then he is against migrants and the Euro-Atlantic integration, etc., etc. It all started in "the most advanced democracy in the world" with positive discrimination in 1965, just like the EU demands Romanians today to positively discriminate out gypsies. The President of the USA, Lyndon B. Johnson, tried to repair some historical injustice committed against the African Americans by issuing an executive order named "Affirmative action" 4 , in which he redefined "equal opportunities" for African Americans as a notion, in the matter of medical service access, education, jobs, life style. In reality, to win the sympathy and votes of these people, President Johnson opened the wallet and granted this part of the population a great deal of economic advantages. African Americans who, up until then, were an integrated, working minority, according to some observers of the phenomenon 5 , started to leave in an "all for free" regime. Women among this population started receiving a consistent allowance for raising their children, so they preferred leaving their jobs and giving birth to as many children as possible to make a living out of the allowance, while living in homes provided by the state. Men, meanwhile, would rather live on unemployment benefits, social aid, temporary jobs or other expedients. Children received little education, so, once adults, they repeated their parent's life style. An important parasite, racial social layer resulted in the American society. Drug abuse and criminality amongst African Americans grew exponentially. Nowadays, they represent about 13% of the USA population, while being responsible for more than 50% of the murders and severe crimes and also half of them are sexual disease and AIDS carriers. So, positive discrimination throughout social aids proved baleful in the long term.

These advantages of social assistance offered to African Americans in the US have gradually been doubled by the ideology called political correctness. The roots of this notion can be found in the very just claim of the courts that, in front of them, the parts should not use denigrating terms about one another. Then, little by little, political correctness extended to the politeness of interhuman relationships, in the way that people are to be careful not to offend, by their manner of expressing themselves, those who are disadvantaged or discriminated in any way. But what initially seemed a thing of good education and common sense slowly degenerated in a dangerous direction. How do we know how to express ourselves so that we do not offend anyone? -but by saying only the same things other people say, using standardized expressions and thinking only the way other people do, in other words -a sort of incipient and unconscious totalitarianism.

Around the 1970s, a sort of current of opinion rouse in some US universities, which proposed a cleansing of the language, as Matei Vi?inec 6 , the Romanian-French writer calls it, that is, the elimination of all pejorative terms regarding minorities, African Americans, then homosexuals and lesbians, etc. For instance, the colored-skin citizen, in order not to be offended, is not be called black, but African American, the janitor is not to be called janitor, but surface maintenance agent, the one collecting the trash would no longer be garbage man, but sanitation technician 7 6 https://romanialibera.ro/opinii/comentarii/o-noua-dictatura---gandirea -politica-corecta--84632 , the law-offender becomes citizen of alternative moral, prison warden will be correctional system agent, the analphabet or idiot would be named person with special educational needs, etc. Up to a point, this matter can be regarded as falling in the field of human stupidity and involuntary humor, but the joke ends quickly and, imperceptibly, a recommendation about what we should not say become obligations about what we are allowed to say, become judicial imperatives sanctioned by decisions and regulations, irony can become an article in the penal law, behavioral tact regarding sexual minorities, for instance, the obligation of their aggressive imposing in the detriment of the majority, reluctance Censored examples pile up, while nobody seems to notice the gravity of Censorship and selfcensor establishment. About ten years ago, the European Parliament banned, in all European languages, the user of the title "Miss/Mrs." in official documents, in order not to offend the other category . 9 . In Canada, Christmas trees were banned from public places, to avoid hurting the feelings of non-Christians. In the US, Mark Twain's novels were retroactively censored, more than a century after their printing, by replacing some words that were considered offensive. The famous Gone with the Wind movie was simply withdrawn from broadcasting. Workforce recruitment agencies were forbidden to display adds like trustworthy person needed, or hardworking, to not offend people from the other category 10 . Following the same logic, admiring someone's creation or awarding a prize should no longer be possible, as it promotes the idea of inequality among people, while the prize-awarding in itself may be an offense for those left without an award. Of course, many cases can be mentioned, one more bizarre, hilarious and extravagant than the other, and they are in continuous expansion until free thinking will completely and imperceptibly be placed in the straitjacket of a totalitarian mentality. Maybe this is the exact purpose. Briefly, we can say that "politically correct thinking is a worm of brain washing, more subtle and more devious than the communist ideology" 11 This language dictatorship, the political correctness imposed up to paranoia, is the one that . It has been argued that some words that define race or nationality, such as black or gypsy are racist and depreciative, while failing to notice that there is no racist or offensive term in itself, but only in contextual frames and related to a set of facts. A term which designates a certain race or ethnicity may become pejorative in a certain time interval, in a direct causal connection with the manners and moral of that respective race or ethnicity. In vain shall we change terms such as black or Gypsy with African American or Romany, if their behavioral patterns remain the same, because the new terms will also be compromised soon and become, at their turn, pejorative. It is as if, instead of treating a disease, we would change the real diagnostic with an invented one, while the disease remains untreated. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/personal-view/8513876/The-A-Z-of-political-correctness.html 10 Ibidem, https://romanialibera.ro/opinii/comentarii/o-noua-dictatura--gandirea-politica-corecta--84632 11 Ibidem, https://romanialibera.ro/opinii/comentarii/o-noua-dictatura--gandirea-politica-corecta--84632 favored the "cultural revolution" of the contemporary Western world. Claims of "political correctness" only drew deep crevasses in all directions, on the living tissue of community spirit. A huge amount of tribal groups resulted, separated from one another by claims of mutual non-discrimination and who look at each other with latent reciprocal hostility. We are talking here about deep cultural schizophrenia. Such a fissure of schizoid type is created in the USA between the white and the black people. Racist was an old issue in the US, back from the birth of the country and the Secession War, and political correctness claims did not smooth things, but catalyzed the matter. The accidental killing of an African American delinquent by a white policeman was nothing but a pretext, the spark that ignited this explosive mixture. Yes, a black man was murdered by a white man, but annual statistics in the US regarding murders show that there are ten times more white victims killed by black people and many victims among the black population also killed by blacks.

So, this tragic killing of an African American delinquent by a white policeman is not a real cause, but a pretext to initiate a "cultural revolution" in the USA. It is a Maoist "cultural revolution", an astounding mentality issue, in which white people, policemen, public authorities, or simple people knell down in front of black people's gatherings and beg for forgiveness for some imaginary guilt, historical in the best case, but that are by no means personal blames.

Another exterior happenstance, of Maoist type, of this Cultural Revolution is that the movement started on the background of the existence of large masses of people free from their job obligations, therefore a potential maneuverable mass. In the case of China in 1966, Mao ordered the closing of schools and universities, thus bringing at his disposal a huge maneuverable mass among the youth, that he organized as paramilitary troops to use for the operationalizing his Cultural Revolution. Again, in the spring of 2020, in the US and the whole of the Western world in general, there have been millions of unemployed people with jobs temporarily suspended on pandemic grounds, large masses of people available for manipulation against any kind of status quo. Which could be the occult force interested in dismantling the establishment and what would they put in its place, all these questions remain to be answered.

2. III.

3. Manipulations

The movement seems to be organized by professionals. A slogan with an important mobilization force was identified and imposed: Black lives matter. The old Soviet and Chinese Bolshevism was centered on a symbol-color, the omnipresent adjectival red (red star, red flame, red tie, Mao's red book, etc.), of which they said it represented the blood shed by the working class in the fights of conquering political power through violence, but reality it came to symbolize the hurting and bleeding of the millenary European and Chinese civilization. The new American progressive Bolshevism, through the dark slogan adopted and the black color on the AntiFa flag, may involuntarily signify the premonition of the death of Western Christian civilization. A gestural symbol was adopted as well, the right hand lifted with the fist clenched, too similar to the Nazi salutation. Then a campaign was started against monuments and official symbols. Representative statues are vandalized and brought down, a barbarian gesture of incalculable consequences. Just like in the USSR of the 1980s, today the USA seems to be staggering from the inside. Statues and symbols of the imperial power are vandalized and destroyed, and vandals demand the dissolution of the Police as if it was the most normal thing. Excessive democracy can degenerate -as Aristotle said -into anarchy. Common sense people, who work and pay taxes, end up hiding in their houses, lacking protection from the state.

In the US, statues of historical personalities have been torn down, as they were supposed racists, without respecting the historicism principle, which states that the actions of those personalities are to be placed, analyzed and judged in the historical context in which they occurred. Statues of generals have been demolished and some portraits of Presidents of the House of Representatives have been removed. Then they went forward: George Washington's statue was put down, though he is one of the founding fathers and the first President of the USA because he owned a plantation where the work of slaves was also used. If these barbarians were to be asked now what did George Washington's racism consisted on, they would definitely be unable of saying anything. The, they desecrated the statue of the writer Miguel Cervantes, probably thinking that it represented another landlord. In England, statues of slave merchants were brought down, but they also vandalized the statue of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who was not a slave merchant, alongside with the one of Queen Victoria. It is true that, some while ago, Churchill wrote a sentence that contained things considered denigrating for the Indians, but the mob did not read Churchill's memories. On the pedestal of Queen Victoria they wrote the word "rape" among others, but surely, if asked who did the Queen rape, they would have no clue.

A matter of principle occurs here as well: how far would they go with invocating supposed negative deeds in the lives of historical personalities, to proceed to the violation of their memory? For instance, in antiquity it was written (2, Kings, chapter XI) that David, King of Israel, sent his devoted servant, Uriah the Hittite, to death, so that King could kidnap and rape his wife, Bathsheba. Well, how should King David's memory be punished, by the standards of today's American Cultural Revolution? Should his statue, signed by Michelangelo, be vandalized, or the words "murder" and "rape" written on its pedestal? Should his Book of Psalms in the Bible be erased? Or the very Bible, as a whole, be forbidden? But the madness does not stop here. Not only the white skin historical personalities are attacked, of whom they supposed to had connections with the blacks' slavery on American soil, or who are supposed to have uttered racist remarks sometime, they also stepped forward, crossed a red line, passing towards an even more dangerous inverted racism, one of the colored skin and homosexuals against the whites and heterosexuals, wich they began to attack -pure Nazi style -for who they are; white people who created value -attacked for the simple fact that they are white.

One of the oldest and most prestigious American universities, Yale, founded in 1701, adopted a stupefacient measure. Following the intervention of a powerful pressure group, the University Senate banned the Art History course. The Reasons are simple and foreseeable. There are far too many works of art, since the Renaissance, which has been created by white European men, there have been, in the History of Art, "an overwhelming number of artists who are men, white, European and heterosexual and who should be replaced with a larger spectrum of examples from the whole world" 12 Finally, the essence of fundamental Christian symbol-images is going to be hit: the representations of Jesus Christ and The Virgin Mary. How did they actually look like, what race did they belong to, what was the color of their skin? The question may seem specious, the issue badly formulated, but it had been previously put forward in the '60s in the USA, and (re)put in these terms recently, on the 22 nd . of June, 2020, by the Black Lives Matter activist, Shaun King. According to him, the representation of Jesus Christ and his mother, the Virgin Mary, as white people has racist connotations and . The terms used by Yale University seem harmless, the famous institution announces that they are about to pass from a "Euro-centric" art to a larger cultural diversity. But the argument is dangerous and it can be extended. By analogy, the course on the History of Philosophy should also disappear because, along the 2,500 years since it exists, Philosophy was created by an "overwhelming number" of white Europeans, just as symphonic music was almost exclusively composed by white European men, etc. Can we at least begin to imagine how Universal culture would look like if we remove Philosophy, Arts and symphonic Music? The perspective is rather terrifying and it would suppose cultural crimes bigger than those committed by all the preceding cultural revolutions altogether.

represents "a form of propagation of the idea of white supremacy" 13 . From here to instigations to destroying icons and fundamental statues of Christianity is only one step. Even Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Head of the Anglican Church, declared that the Church he is leading should rethink the exclusive representation of Jesus as a white man, that some statues and paintings are to be replaced in churches 14 In the township of Nazareth, Israel, there is a modern Catholic church, the Church of the Annunciation, built in the second half of the 20 th century, under the patronage of Pope Paul the 6 th . This church is home to about 400 mosaics and icons representing the moment of the Annunciation of the Virgin with the Holy Child, offered by all the countries which have Catholic communities in the whole Christian world. There are, of course, icons from Europe, but also from South America, from Africa, China, Korea and Japan. All of these icons present local particularities, in the sense that all those respective people put everything they had more representative, more beautiful and sublime in the conception of the pure and chaste feminine in them. It is understandable that the Virgin painted in Portugal would show Moorish facial features, the one painted in South America -Inca features, the Virgin Mary of China or Japan would bear traits of the Asian race, while the one from Africa is, obviously, black. And there is no blasphemy in this. It simply gives satisfaction to the and that the historical Jesus should the racial characteristics of the Middle East man. It is rather surprising that this high cleric, probably a very wise and educated person, who represents tens of millions of Anglican Christians, does not know that Virgin Mary and Jesus's ancestor, by the body, David Ben Iesei, is more than once described as being a fair-haired, light-skinned young man (1, Kings, XVI, 12; ibidem, XVII, 42, etc.).

Getting over this badly posed problem and passing to the plan of a proper theological narrative, we must admit that God created man by His image and likeness and poured the life Spirit into him, by that projecting Himself as such in the universal man, up to the last capillaries, in all racial and anthropological particularities of the human species. Therefore, Jesus Christ, as Son of God, as God-Son, cannot be reduced by us, humans, to one particularity of race or another. There is also the opposite direction move, in which man projects himself in Divinity -movement noticed along two and a half millennium, from Xenophanes of Colophon to Feuerbach -projection, or "alienation" that gave birth to an anthropomorphous polytheism, historically outdated, and which fails to be what it should in terms of our conception about the Divinity as Absolut.

https://www.g4media.ro/propunere-controversata-a-unui-activistamerican-de-stanga-statuile-lui-isus-trebuie-daramate-fiind-simboluriale-suprematiei-albe.html 14 https://www.theguardian.com/uk/justin-welby anthropological component, offering a man a chance to represent God concretely, correlated to the Devine component, that created man. Let us remember that Pope John Paul the 2 nd , when he visited Romania, motivated his visit, in a way, saying "I have come here to see the face of Christ in you". God is reflected in every human individual, in his finite, infinitesimal and ineffable dimension, just like the sun reflects its light in every drop of dew.

4. IV. Instead of Conclusions: Shortly about the Antifa

A certain oddity can be observed in the last couple of years. One can hardly conceive a manifestation of protest that would remain peaceful till the end. There always appear some obscure, wellorganized groups, which have no connection with the object of the protest and turn a peaceful meeting in to chaos and violence. They trigger disorder, attack the police force, break shop windows, arson cars and street furniture. Our attention should have been drawn by one of President Trump's statements, who threatened to put "AntiFa" on the list of terrorist groups. So, what is AntiFa, the short from Anti-Fascist Action?

This organization was defined by the American political analyst N. Lennard as one which combines radical left movements with an anarchist policy and which fights against racism, sexism, homophobia and Islamic-phobia 15 AntiFa, as a perfect twinning of Communism and Fascism, is an organization which covers its members, who often appear at protests wearing black clothes and black masks over their faces, well instructed and trained to resist the police assaults and capable of disguising their identity by using fake IDs if arrested . The organization is named "antifascist", because it claims itself from the old communist anti-fascist movement in the interwar period, but, as today fascism as a fact does no longer exist, AntiFa calls Fascism or Nazism everything that opposes its ideology. So, if someone is a white man, married to a woman, declares himself pro traditional family or against migrants, it means-by the book of AntiFa -that is a "fascist", and AntiFa will fight him with methods taken from both Fascism and Communism, with the ideological intolerance of Communism, combined with the social violence proper to Fascism. This organization is starting to represent a real threat for the very fundaments of the world democracy. It is an organization that attacks any state symbol of a nation. Not only does it not tolerate any ideological opponent, but it also denies any state authority, being a nihilist and anarchist organization.

In our part of Europe, the name AntiFa only became known in 2014, in the Republic of Moldavia, when it tried to put in march violent protests, in order to contest the results of the parliament elections of November 30 th , 2014. In Chi?in?u, the head of AntiFa in the Republic of Moldavia, Mihail Amerberg, was arrested and a large quantity of ammunition along with huge amounts of money have been confiscated 17 . The stupefacient surprise, though, came from Romania in the following year. In the fall of 2015 an illegitimate Government run by Dacian Ciolos is formed, after the resign of the legitimate Government of Victor Ponta, following a shady incident(a fire, started intentionally?) at a club, where more than 60 young people died a terrible death. In the meantime, AntiFa, registered in Romania as an NGO, receives?.money from the Ciolos administration 18

In the USA, as well as in many other countries where it has spread, AntiFa has paramilitary structures and resorts to violence, they provoke the law enforcement, break shop windows and burn street furniture. This conduct could be observed as well at the anti-Governmental protest in Bucharest, on the 10 th of August, 2018. AntiFa militants came from more countries to the Romanian capital city, with the declared purpose of violently bringing down the Government, pretexting that they are actually Romanians from the diaspora, who came to their homeland for the summer vacation. After 11 p.m., when the police forced declared the manifestation completed and asked the participants to evacuate Victory Square, then the AntiFa groups took action, with extreme violence, burning street dumpsters and wooden floral arrangements . On whose decision? And for which services?

19 It is of public interest that we reveal the list of sponsors financing AntiFa, besides G. Soros's NGOs: the Ford Foundation, The Volunteers for the "Affirmative Action" (of the former US President L. Johnson), The Central Work Council of San Francisco, the University of Bowling Green, these are only a few of those who financially contribute to this political terrorism movement. But, as compared to the anti-Fascist groups which originated in Italy, Germany and Spain between the two World Wars, many of them directly supported by the Komintern and Soviet political leaders such as Leo Trotsky, the new organizations like AntiFa understand by Fascist the political adversary who opposes the new American Liberalism, also known as "Progressivism". Their leaders make no difference when using the terms Nazi and Fascist, proving a horrid political lack of culture . 20 17 . https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifa 18 https://www.amosnews.ro/miscarea-antifa-scurta-prezentare-organi zatiei-2020-06-16 19 https://www.defenseromania.ro/antifa-mi-carea-de-extrema-stangacomunista-indreptata-impotriva-sua_592961.html 20 H. D. Hartmann, ibidem.

Like any other anarchist group, AntiFa can inclusively cause nasty surprises to the very people who financed it, that is, turn against them. Thus, on June 7 th , 2020 in the University Square in Bucharest, a protest was organized against the measures taken by the Romanian Police in the pandemic context, implicitly against the Orban Government and for the rights of the lesbians and prostitutes (politically correct: "sex industry workers"). The striking surprise for the ex-financers was that at the respective protest a few persons showed up with faces covered by black masks, waving the AntiFa anarchist flag in red and black 21 21 https://www.dcnews.ro/fete-noi-la-protestul-din-piata-universitatii-sur priza-totala-cine-a-venit-duminica-foto-video_752585.html , given the fact that, only a couple of days prior, the President of the USA Donald Trump threatened to declare AntiFa as a terrorist organization and place it outside the law.

Volume XX Issue VII Version I 22 ( F )


Appendix A

    © 2020 Global JournalsWhat Kind of Cultural Revolution is Taking Place in the US Today?3 https://www.amosnews.ro/autodenuntul-lui-alain-cavaille-2020-06-20 4 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10510978009368044? journalCode=rcst19 5 https://www.activenews.ro/stiri/O-explicatie-despre-miscarea-revoluti onara-din-SUA-%E2%80%9EOrice-neacceptare-a-legalitatii-schimbarii -puterii-este-inceputul-unui-razboi-civil.-Acesta-a-si-inceput-%E2%80% 93-deocamdata-e-un-razboi-civil-rece-intre-stangisti-si-toti-ceilalti-162
    https://www.hitc.com/2011/10/07/11-cases-of-political-correctnessgone-mad/ 9
    https://www.thevintagenews.com/2020/02/08/yale-art-history/? fbclid =IwAR071gKlVfMsBkKM3XVgK-oD7PwLWGC_KhoAF0b_cOQgye Vqu2ZpNK9T8JY
    ( F )
    Year 2020© 2020 Global JournalsWhat Kind of Cultural Revolution is Taking Place in the US Today?
    © 2020 Global JournalsWhat Kind of Cultural Revolution is Taking Place in the US Today?
    Date: 2020-01-15